Honkai: Star Rail – Best Team Members For Pela

Honkai Star Rail - Best Team Members For Pela

Hey, gamers! Are you playing Honkai: Star Rail and have you met Pela? She’s a super cool character from the snowy planet Jarilo-VI! You see her in the story a little bit, but guess what? When you get to play as her, you find out she’s like a secret weapon!

Pela is awesome because she can do two things at once: she can hurt enemies with icy attacks AND make them weaker at the same time! Imagine you’re playing tag, and Pela can not only tag someone but also slow them down so they’re easier to catch next time. That’s kind of like what she does in Honkai: Star Rail battles!

When Pela fights, she’s what we call a “support” character. Think of it like this: in a basketball team, you have players who score the most points (those are like “damage” characters in games), and you have players who help those scorers by passing the ball and setting up plays (those are like “support” characters!). Pela is a super helper!

Because Pela is so good at helping, you want to build a team around her with characters who can really take advantage of her help. So, who are the best friends for Pela to have on her team? Let’s find out! We’re going to talk about six amazing characters that work super well with Pela to make your Honkai: Star Rail team unstoppable!

Also read: Honkai Star Rail Codes

Table of Contents

1. Clara & Svarog

Have you ever seen a little girl fighting alongside a giant robot? That’s Clara and Svarog! Clara is a sweet girl, and Svarog is her robot protector. When they fight together, it’s like having two characters in one!

Clara and Svarog are “Destruction” type characters, which means they are all about dealing big damage! They use physical attacks, like punching and smashing, just like the first character you play as in Honkai: Star Rail, the Trailblazer!

Svarog has some really cool moves. One of his attacks hits just one enemy super hard. But his special skill? It hits ALL the enemies at once! That’s called “Area of Effect” or AoE for short. It’s like when you throw a water balloon and it splashes everyone nearby – that’s AoE damage! This makes Clara and Svarog really flexible because they can fight single strong enemies or groups of weaker ones.

And get this – Svarog’s attacks are not just strong, they look awesome too! He punches and slams enemies with these huge robotic arms, and it’s super cool to watch. But it’s not just about looking cool, right? Clara and Svarog are actually REALLY good for your team.

Clara has a special talent. Whenever someone tries to attack her, Svarog jumps in and hits them back! It’s like a counter-attack! So, if enemies are attacking Clara, Svarog will automatically fight back and deal damage. And guess what? If Pela has already made those enemies weaker by lowering their defense, Svarog’s counter-attacks will hurt even MORE! This means Clara and Svarog can deal damage even when it’s not their turn!

To make Clara and Svarog REALLY shine with Pela, you might not want to put too many super-defensive characters on the team. Characters like Gepard or the Preservation Trailblazer are really good at protecting everyone and taking hits, but Clara and Svarog are already good at attracting enemy attacks and countering. You want enemies to attack Clara so Svarog can fight back! With Pela making enemies weak, Clara and Svarog can become a super powerful damage team!

Why Clara & Svarog are Great with Pela:

  • Big Physical Damage: They hit hard with physical attacks, and Pela makes enemies weaker to all kinds of damage!
  • Counter-Attacks: Clara’s talent makes Svarog counter-attack, dealing extra damage when enemies attack her, especially when their defense is lowered by Pela.
  • Versatile Attacks: Svarog can hit one enemy hard or many enemies at once, perfect for any situation.

Read also: Honkai Star Rail 3.1 Livestream Codes

2. Seele

Imagine a character who is so fast, she can take turn after turn after turn! That’s Seele! She’s like the speed racer of Honkai: Star Rail. She’s a “Hunt” type character, which means she’s amazing at focusing on one enemy at a time and taking them down quickly.

Seele is a super popular character, and she’s a “5-star” character, which means she’s a bit harder to get in the game. It might be a little tricky to get her to join your team, but if you do, you’re in for a treat! Seele is one of the best damage dealers in the whole game!

When you team up Pela with Seele, get ready for some serious action! Pela can lower the enemy’s defense, and Seele already attacks super hard. But that’s not all! Seele is also incredibly fast, and she can get even faster during battles! Plus, her special ability lets her take another turn whenever she defeats an enemy! It’s like getting a free turn in a board game!

With Pela making enemies weak and Seele being so fast and getting extra turns, she might never leave the battlefield! She can just keep attacking and attacking and attacking! Sometimes, Pela’s defense-lowering effect might even wear off, or all the enemies might be defeated before Seele even lets anyone else have a turn! She’s that good!

Seele also deals “Quantum” damage. Quantum is a special type of damage in Honkai: Star Rail, and Seele is one of the best Quantum damage characters out there. She’s much more reliable than other Quantum characters like Qingque. Because Seele focuses on taking down one enemy at a time, it’s a good idea to have another character on your team who can attack multiple enemies at once to help clear out groups.

Why Seele is Great with Pela:

  • Super Speed and Extra Turns: Seele is incredibly fast and gets extra turns, letting her attack again and again.
  • Quantum Damage Powerhouse: Seele deals strong Quantum damage, and Pela makes enemies weaker to all damage.
  • Focused Damage: Seele excels at taking down single enemies quickly, and Pela helps her do it even faster.

See also: Honkai Star Rail tier list for best characters in 3.0

3. Welt

Welt is a really unique character in Honkai: Star Rail. He walks the path of “Nihility,” which sounds kind of mysterious, right? Characters on the Nihility path are usually experts at making enemies weaker and helping their team gain an advantage.

Welt is also one of the only characters who deals “Imaginary” damage. Imaginary damage is another special type of damage, and it can be super useful against certain enemies. But here’s the cool thing about Welt: he’s not just a support character who weakens enemies. He can also deal a LOT of damage himself! He’s like a support character who can also be a damage dealer! We call that kind of character a “Sub DPS” – they’re like a second damage dealer on the team.

Welt has a super cool trick: he can “imprison” enemies with his Imaginary powers! When an enemy is imprisoned, they basically get stuck for a turn or two and can’t move or attack. It’s like hitting the pause button on them! This is AMAZING when you’re fighting tough bosses or enemies that are giving you a hard time. It gives you time to heal, set up your attacks, or just catch your breath!

When you put Welt and Pela together, it’s like a dream team for controlling the battlefield. Pela lowers enemy defenses, and Welt can imprison them, giving you a perfect opportunity to attack! With enemies weakened and stuck in place, you have a “window” to deal tons of damage. Both Welt and Pela are experts at creating these opportunities for your team to shine!

Why Welt is Great with Pela:

  • Imaginary Damage and Imprisonment: Welt deals Imaginary damage and can imprison enemies, stopping them in their tracks.
  • Sub DPS and Support: Welt can both weaken enemies and deal good damage himself.
  • Control and Damage Combo: Pela lowers defenses, and Welt imprisons, creating perfect openings for your team to attack.

4. Sushang

Sushang is a character who is all about swords and fast, powerful attacks! She’s a “Hunt” type character, just like Seele, which means she’s great at focusing on one enemy at a time. Sushang deals physical damage, just like Clara and Svarog, but she’s more about quick, precise strikes.

Sushang might not be as tough as some other characters when it comes to taking hits – her health and defense aren’t the highest. But don’t let that fool you! Sushang hits INCREDIBLY hard! She can take down enemies super fast with her physical attacks. And if an enemy’s shield is broken, Sushang can even take multiple turns in a row! It’s like she gets extra attacks when enemies are vulnerable!

When you team up Sushang with Pela, get ready for some serious single-target damage! Pela lowers enemy defense, and Sushang can unleash her powerful sword strikes, dealing massive damage to one enemy at a time. Sushang also has a high chance of landing critical hits, which are extra-strong attacks that deal even MORE damage!

Because Sushang isn’t super tough, you might be tempted to give her items that boost her defense. But the best way to play Sushang is to focus on her strengths: her amazing damage! Let support characters like Pela do their job of weakening enemies and keeping Sushang safe so she can keep attacking like a truck!

Since Sushang focuses on single enemies, it’s a good idea to have another character on Pela’s team who can deal damage to multiple enemies at once. That way, you can handle both single strong enemies and groups of weaker ones!

Why Sushang is Great with Pela:

  • High Single-Target Physical Damage: Sushang hits incredibly hard with physical attacks on single enemies.
  • Extra Turns on Shield Break: Sushang can take multiple turns if enemies have broken shields, letting her attack even more.
  • Critical Hit Focus: Sushang has a high crit rate, meaning her attacks often deal extra damage, especially when enemies are weakened by Pela.

5. Bailu

When you’re exploring the world of Honkai: Star Rail and fighting lots of battles, sometimes your characters get hurt! That’s where healers come in! Healers are super important because they can heal your team and keep them in the fight.

Natasha is a healer character you get for free in the story, and she’s pretty good. But Bailu? Bailu is even better! If you’re lucky enough to get Bailu, you’ll see why! Bailu walks the path of “Abundance,” which is all about healing and keeping your team healthy.

Like Natasha, Bailu is a healer, but she also has a little something extra. When Bailu attacks, she deals “Lightning” damage! It’s not a lot of damage, but it’s a nice little bonus for a healer!

Bailu is a slightly better healer than Natasha because she has a super special ability: she can revive a teammate once per battle! That means if one of your characters gets knocked out in a tough fight, Bailu can bring them back to life! That’s thanks to her talent called “Gourdful of Elixir.” Bailu also heals for a little bit more than Natasha does with her basic healing skills.

However, you can’t get Bailu just by playing the story. You have to get her through the “gacha” system, which is like a lottery in the game. But if you do get Bailu, don’t hesitate to level her up and make her a permanent member of your team! After all, Pela can only keep weakening enemies if she stays alive, and Bailu is amazing at keeping everyone alive and healthy!

Why Bailu is Great with Pela:

  • Powerful Healing: Bailu is a top-tier healer who can keep your team healthy in long battles.
  • Revive Ability: Bailu can revive a fallen teammate once per battle, which can be a lifesaver!
  • Slightly Better Healing than Natasha: Bailu is a bit stronger healer overall compared to the free healer, Natasha.

6. Bronya

Bronya is another amazing support character, and she works especially well with Pela! In fact, you can think of Bronya as Pela’s opposite, but in a good way! Where Pela makes enemies weaker by lowering their defense, Bronya makes your own team stronger by boosting their attack!

Bronya is also great at removing “debuffs” from your teammates. Debuffs are like bad status effects that enemies can put on your characters, like making them slower or weaker. Bronya can get rid of those! Plus, when Bronya attacks, she deals “Wind” damage!

If you pay attention to enemy weaknesses in Honkai: Star Rail, you’ll notice something interesting. If an enemy isn’t weak to Ice damage (which is what Pela deals), they are often weak to Wind damage! So, having both Pela and Bronya on your team gives you a lot of elemental coverage!

Both Bronya and Pela are support characters, but they can also deal a surprising amount of damage! Having both of them on your team is like having two super helpers who can also fight! Together, they can make your team incredibly strong and help you win almost any fight!

If you want to have some extra fun, you can even build a team with Pela, Bronya, and other characters from Jarilo-VI, like Gepard, Serval, or Seele! It’s like having a team of hometown heroes!

Why Bronya is Great with Pela:

  • Attack Buffs and Debuff Removal: Bronya makes your team stronger by increasing their attack and removing negative effects.
  • Wind Damage Support: Bronya provides Wind damage, covering elemental weaknesses that Pela’s Ice damage might not.
  • Double Support Power: Pela and Bronya together create a super strong support core, boosting your team’s offense and defense!


So, there you have it! Six amazing characters that are fantastic teammates for Pela in Honkai: Star Rail! Whether you choose Clara & Svarog for big physical damage, Seele for lightning-fast attacks, Welt for control and damage, Sushang for sword strikes, Bailu for healing, or Bronya for buffs, you can build a super strong team around Pela and conquer any challenge!

Remember, Pela is a fantastic support character who makes your whole team better by weakening enemies. By choosing the right teammates to fight alongside her, you can unlock her full potential and have even more fun playing Honkai: Star Rail! Experiment with these characters, find your favorite combinations, and get ready to win! Good luck, Trailblazers!

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