Bonus attacks in Honkai Star Rail: How Does It Works

Bonus attacks in Honkai Star Rail

Hey Star Rail Explorers! Have you ever wished your characters in Honkai: Star Rail could attack more? Like, maybe even when it’s not officially their turn? Well, guess what? There’s a super cool way they can! It’s called a Bonus Attack, and it’s like getting a free hit in battle!

Imagine you’re playing tag. Normally, you have to wait your turn to run and tag someone. But what if you had a superpower that let you tag someone extra, even when it wasn’t your turn? That’s kind of like a Bonus Attack in Honkai: Star Rail!

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What Exactly is a Bonus Attack?

Think of a Bonus Attack as an extra, automatic attack that your character does in battle. It’s like a surprise move! The best part? It doesn’t use up your character’s turn. So, it’s like getting a free punch – awesome, right?

Here’s how Bonus Attacks work in Honkai: Star Rail:

  1. Special Characters: First, you need to have characters on your team who know how to do Bonus Attacks. Not everyone can do them, just like not everyone in tag might have superpowers!

  2. Secret Triggers: Each character who can do a Bonus Attack has a special condition that makes it happen. It’s like a secret code or a magic word. These conditions can be different for each character. Sometimes, it depends on what your other characters do, sometimes it depends on what the enemies do, and sometimes it’s even a little bit random, like a surprise!

  3. Surprise Attack! As soon as the secret condition is met, BAM! Your character jumps in and does a Bonus Attack. It’s super fast and happens right away.

  4. Turn Stays the Same: The coolest thing is that this Bonus Attack happens outside of the regular turns. So, if it was your enemy’s turn next, it’s still their turn after the Bonus Attack. Your character just sneaks in a quick hit without messing up the turn order. It’s like they’re super sneaky and fast!

Read also: Honkai: Star Rail – Acheron’s Best Teammates

Who are the Bonus Attack Superstars? Meet the Characters!

Let’s meet some of the amazing characters in Honkai: Star Rail who can do Bonus Attacks. Each one has their own special way of doing it!

  • Doctor Ratio: This smart doctor uses his brainpower for Bonus Attacks!

    • How it works: When Doctor Ratio uses his skill (which is like a special move), there’s a chance he’ll do a Bonus Attack on the enemy he’s attacking. It’s like he’s so clever, he can sneak in an extra hit while he’s already attacking!

    • Making it stronger: The more “Debuffs” (which are like making the enemy weaker) the enemy has, the higher the chance Doctor Ratio will do a Bonus Attack! It’s like if the enemy is already stumbling, Doctor Ratio is even better at giving them an extra push. He also does a Bonus Attack if an ally attacks an enemy with a status called “Shortsightedness of the Sages.” That’s a mouthful, but just remember it means he’s really good at attacking enemies his friends have made weak!

  • Yanqing: This cool swordsman is super speedy with his ice attacks!

    • How it works: Yanqing has a special ability called “Empathic Link.” When this is active, after Yanqing attacks an enemy, there’s a 50/50 chance (like flipping a coin!) that he’ll do a Bonus Attack! It’s like sometimes after his regular attack, he’s so fast he can do another one before anyone even notices!

    • Bonus Surprise: Yanqing’s Bonus Attack also has a chance to “Freeze” the enemy, which stops them from moving! So, he’s not just doing extra damage, he’s also making it harder for the enemy to fight back!

  • Blade: This mysterious character gets stronger as he gets hurt!

    • How it works: Every time Blade gets hurt or uses his own health to attack, he gets a “Charge.” Think of it like collecting energy. When he gets 5 Charges, BOOM! He unleashes a powerful Bonus Attack that hits all enemies! It’s like getting hurt actually makes him angrier and stronger!

    • Big Attack: Blade’s Bonus Attack isn’t just a single hit, it’s a big, sweeping attack that damages everyone on the enemy team. So, the more he gets hit, the bigger the payback for the enemies!

  • Jing Yuan: This general summons a powerful Lightning Lord to fight with him!

    • How it works: Right at the start of the battle, Jing Yuan calls out his Lightning Lord. This Lightning Lord is like a pet or a summoned creature, and all of its attacks are considered Bonus Attacks! The Lightning Lord even has its own turn in battle!

    • Lightning Strikes: The Lightning Lord attacks based on what Jing Yuan does. If Jing Yuan uses his skill, the Lightning Lord attacks 2 times. If Jing Yuan uses his super move, the Lightning Lord attacks 3 times. Even Jing Yuan’s technique before the battle makes the Lightning Lord attack 3 times! The Lightning Lord can attack up to 10 times in total – that’s a lot of lightning!

  • Topaz and the Accountant (Piggy Bank): Topaz brings a super cute Piggy Bank into battle!

    • How it works: Topaz summons a Piggy Bank of Space into the fight. This Piggy Bank is like a little partner, and it also does Bonus Attacks! The Piggy Bank is pretty speedy and goes after enemies that Topaz marks with a “Debt Certificate.”

    • Piggy Power: Topaz uses her skill to put a “Debt Certificate” on an enemy. Then, the Piggy Bank will run over and do a Bonus Attack that deals Fire damage to that enemy! It’s like the Piggy Bank is collecting debts with fire!

  • Clara: This sweet girl is protected by a robot bodyguard named Svarog!

    • How it works: Clara is always protected by Svarog. When enemies attack Clara, Svarog gets angry! He marks the enemies who attack Clara with a “Counterattack Mark.” Then, every time an enemy with this mark attacks Clara, Svarog does a Bonus Attack to protect her!

    • Robot Protection: Svarog is always watching out for Clara. He’ll even do Bonus Attacks if enemies attack Clara’s friends when Clara uses her super move! It’s like Svarog is the ultimate bodyguard, always ready to jump in and defend Clara and her team.

  • Asta: This energetic space station master can help her team go faster, and she has a Bonus Attack too!

    • How it works: If Asta has her special ability E4 “Catch the Enemy by Surprise” unlocked (it’s like leveling up her powers!), then when an ally uses a basic attack on an enemy who is weak to Wind damage, Asta jumps in with a Bonus Attack!

    • Wind Power: Asta’s Bonus Attack is all about Wind damage. It’s like she’s helping her friends out by adding an extra gust of wind when they attack enemies that are already weak to wind. This only happens once per turn, so it’s a special, extra boost!

  • Kafka: This Stellaron Hunter is super cool and uses electric attacks!

    • How it works: After an ally uses a Basic Attack, Kafka quickly follows up with a Bonus Attack! It’s like she’s watching her teammates and ready to strike right after they do!

    • Shocking Surprise: Kafka’s Bonus Attack deals Electric damage and can also “Shock” the enemy. Shock is like a damage-over-time effect, meaning the enemy takes damage at the start of each of their turns. So, Kafka’s Bonus Attack is not just one hit, it keeps hurting the enemy for a while!

  • Himeko: This space explorer loves to use fire and break enemy weaknesses!

    • How it works: When Himeko or her allies break an enemy’s weakness (which is like hitting them with the element they are bad against), Himeko gets a “Charge.” When she gets 3 Charges, she’s ready! Then, when any ally makes an attack, Himeko does a Bonus Attack!

    • Fiery Teamwork: Himeko’s Bonus Attack is all about teamwork. When her team is working together to break enemy weaknesses, she gets powered up and ready to unleash extra fire attacks to help them out even more!

  • Xueyi: This judge of the Ten-Lords Commission punishes evil with quantum power!

    • How it works: Xueyi has a status called “Karma.” She gets Karma when enemies’ toughness (their defense) is reduced. When Xueyi reaches 8 Karma, she uses it all up to do a Bonus Attack!

    • Quantum Justice: Xueyi’s Bonus Attack is Quantum type damage. It’s like she’s judging the enemies and delivering a powerful quantum punishment when they’ve been weakened enough.

  • Qingque: This lazy but lucky girl can get into a super strong state!

    • How it works: If Qingque has her special ability E4 “Lucky Combination, Last Die” (another level-up!), then when she uses her skill, there’s a chance she’ll enter the “Independence” state until the end of her turn. While in this state, if she uses a normal or enhanced basic attack, she does a Bonus Attack!

    • Lucky Strikes: Qingque’s Bonus Attack is all about luck and surprises. When she gets lucky enough to enter the “Independence” state, she can follow up her attacks with extra Quantum hits!

  • Herta: The boss of the space station is powerful and has a simple trigger for her Bonus Attack!

    • How it works: When any enemy’s health drops below 50% (half health), Herta does a Bonus Attack! It’s like she’s always watching and ready to strike when enemies are weak!

    • Low Health Strike: Herta’s Bonus Attack is super reliable because it triggers whenever enemies are getting low on health. It’s a great way to finish them off!

  • March 7th (Ice): Our memory-loss friend can protect her allies and counterattack!

    • How it works: March 7th uses her skill to put a shield on an ally. If an enemy attacks the ally with the shield, March 7th immediately launches a Bonus Attack to counterattack!

    • Ice Counter: March 7th is all about protecting her friends. Her Bonus Attack is a reaction to enemies hurting her shielded allies. It’s like saying, “Hey, leave my friend alone!” with an icy punch!

  • Aventurine: This gambler always has a shield up and turns defense into offense!

    • How it works: Aventurine gives himself and allies shields called “Fortified Headquarters.” When a shielded character gets attacked, Aventurine gets a “Blind Bet” charge. When he reaches 7 charges, he does a Bonus Attack with 7 hits!

    • Shield Power: Aventurine’s Bonus Attack is all about tanking hits and turning those hits into a powerful multi-hit attack. The more his shields protect, the more Bonus Attacks he can do!

  • Yunli: This martial artist is always ready to counterattack!

    • How it works: Yunli naturally counterattacks whenever she takes damage. When she uses her super ability, she puts a “Block” status on herself. If she gets hit while in “Block,” she counterattacks even harder! If she doesn’t get hit during “Block,” she still counterattacks when the Block effect ends!

    • Counter Master: Yunli is designed to counterattack. No matter what, she’s going to hit back when enemies attack her, and her super ability makes her counterattacks even more versatile.

  • Jasper: This character and their pet bird work together to collect debts and unleash Bonus Attacks!

    • How it works: When Jasper or an ally who is a “Debt Collector” (status from Jasper’s skill) attacks, for each enemy hit, Jasper gains a “Charge.” When he reaches 8 Charges, he does a Bonus Attack!

    • Debt Collection Bonus: Jasper’s Bonus Attack is tied to collecting “charges” by attacking enemies, especially those marked as “Debt Collectors.” It’s like he needs to collect enough debt before unleashing a big attack.

  • March 7th (Imaginary): This version of March 7th helps her shielded allies even more!

    • How it works: If March 7th (Imaginary version, with her E2 unlocked) puts a shield on an ally with her skill, then when that shielded ally uses a basic attack or skill, March 7th (Imaginary) does a Bonus Attack!

    • Imaginary Support: This March 7th is even more supportive, doing Bonus Attacks to help her shielded allies deal extra damage when they attack.

  • Feixiao: This cute cloud creature is all about quick and bonus attacks!

    • How it works: Feixiao’s skill itself does damage and immediately follows up with a Bonus Attack! Also, Feixiao’s talent lets him do a Bonus Attack whenever any ally attacks an enemy!

    • Bonus Attack Machine: Feixiao is basically built for Bonus Attacks! He does them with his skill and helps his whole team do more Bonus Attacks too!

  • Linsha: This character summons a spinning top named Fuyuan that does Bonus Attacks for her!

    • How it works: Linsha’s skill summons Fuyuan. Fuyuan is like Jing Yuan’s Lightning Lord, but it’s a spinning top! Fuyuan has its own actions and does Bonus Attacks that hit all enemies on the battlefield!

    • Top Spin Attack: Fuyuan is a powerful summoned creature that focuses on doing Bonus Attacks that damage the whole enemy team, making Linsha great for dealing with lots of enemies at once.

  • Mojie: This character uses marks and charges to unleash Bonus Attacks!

    • How it works: When allies attack an enemy with the “Sacrifice” mark (from Mojie’s skill), Mojie deals extra damage and gets a charge. For every 3 charges, he does a Bonus Attack on the marked enemy. His super move also does a swift strike and can trigger this Bonus Attack!

    • Mark and Charge Attack: Mojie’s Bonus Attack is based on marking enemies and building up charges. It’s a bit more complex, but it’s all about strategic marking and then unleashing Bonus Attacks.

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Light cones for bonus attacks in Honkai Star Rail

Light Cones are like special weapons or tools that characters can equip to become more powerful. Some Light Cones are especially good at making Bonus Attacks stronger! Let’s look at some of them:

  • Anxiety and Bliss (Hunt Path): This Light Cone is great for characters who follow the Hunt path (characters who are good at single-target damage, like archers or snipers).

    • What it does: Makes your character more likely to do critical hits (which are like super strong hits!) and increases the damage of Bonus Attacks. After a Bonus Attack, it also puts a “Tame” status on the enemy, which makes them take even more critical damage from allies! It’s like marking an enemy to be extra vulnerable to critical hits.

  • Baptism of Pure Thought (Hunt Path): Another awesome Hunt Light Cone!

    • What it does: Increases the character’s overall damage. For every “Debuff” (weakening effect) on the enemy, it increases the character’s critical damage even more! Using a super move gives the character a “Debate” status, which makes their attacks stronger and lets their Bonus Attacks ignore some of the enemy’s defense (making them hit even harder!).

  • Before Dawn (Erudition Path): This Light Cone is perfect for Erudition characters (characters who are good at hitting lots of enemies at once, like mages or scholars who know lots of spells).

    • What it does: Massively increases the character’s damage and makes their skills and super moves even stronger! After using a skill or super move, the character gets a “Sleeping Body” status. When they do a Bonus Attack, it uses up the “Sleeping Body” and makes the Bonus Attack super powerful! It’s like storing up energy for an extra strong Bonus Attack.

  • The Birth of the Self (Erudition Path): Another great Erudition Light Cone that’s all about Bonus Attacks!

    • What it does: Simply makes Bonus Attack damage stronger! If the enemy is below half health, it makes Bonus Attack damage even stronger against that enemy! It’s perfect for finishing off enemies with Bonus Attacks.

  • Unfair Fate (Conservation Path): This Light Cone is for Conservation characters (characters who are good at defense and shielding, like protectors or guardians).

    • What it does: Increases the character’s defense. When they give a shield to an ally, their critical damage goes up for a short time! And, when they hit an enemy with a Bonus Attack, there’s a chance to make that enemy take more damage from all attacks! It’s like using Bonus Attacks to weaken enemies for the whole team.

  • Dance at Sunset (Destruction Path): This Light Cone is for Destruction characters (characters who are tough and deal lots of damage, like warriors or berserkers).

    • What it does: Makes the character more likely to be attacked (which can be good for characters who want to take hits for their team!) and increases their critical damage. After using a super move, it gives them “Fire Dance” stacks, which increase Bonus Attack damage! It’s like getting stronger Bonus Attacks the more you use your super move.

  • But Hope is Priceless (Erudition Path): Another Erudition Light Cone, focusing on critical hits and Bonus Attacks!

    • What it does: Increases the character’s critical hit chance. If their critical damage is super high (over 120%), it makes their Bonus Attacks even stronger for every bit of extra critical damage they have! It also makes their super move and Bonus Attack ignore some enemy defense at the start of battle or after a basic attack. It’s for characters who are all about critical hits and big Bonus Attack damage.

  • I’m going hunting (Hunt Path): One more Hunt Light Cone, focusing on critical hits and defense ignoring for Bonus Attacks!

    • What it does: Increases critical hit chance. When the character does a Bonus Attack, they get “Light Flow” stacks. These stacks let their super move ignore enemy defense, making it hit harder! It’s about powering up super moves with Bonus Attacks.

Making Bonus Attacks Extra Strong: Relics and Ornaments!

Relics and Planar Ornaments are like special pieces of gear you can equip to your characters to give them even more bonuses. Some of these are great for boosting Bonus Attacks!

Cave Relics (Burning Duke Set):

  • 2-piece bonus: Increases Bonus Attack damage by 20%! Just having two pieces of this set makes your Bonus Attacks hit harder right away.

  • 4-piece bonus: When the character deals damage with a Bonus Attack, their attack power goes up by 6% for a few turns! This can stack up to 8 times! So, the more Bonus Attacks you do, the stronger your character gets overall! It’s like Bonus Attacks make your character stronger for even more attacks!

Planar Ornaments (Inert Salsotto & Duran Wolf Dynasty):

  • Inert Salsotto (2-piece bonus): Increases critical hit chance. If the character’s critical hit chance is high enough (50% or more), then their super move and Bonus Attack damage are increased! It’s great for characters who can already get their critical hit chance up high.

  • Duran Wolf Dynasty (2-piece bonus): When an ally does a Bonus Attack, the character wearing this set gets a “Feat” stack. Each stack increases their Bonus Attack damage. At 5 stacks, their critical damage is also increased! It’s like your team’s Bonus Attacks power up your Bonus Attacks! It’s all about team Bonus Attack synergy!

Bonus Attacks in the Virtual Universe (Path of Joy):

The Virtual Universe is a special game mode where you can get powerful blessings that change how your characters work. If you want to make a team that’s all about Bonus Attacks, try going down the Path of Joy in the Virtual Universe!

The Path of Joy is all about making Bonus Attacks super powerful. It’s not always the easiest path, but with the right blessings, you can make your Bonus Attacks heal you, increase your defense, and do crazy amounts of damage! If you love Bonus Attacks, definitely give the Path of Joy a try in the Virtual Universe!

Achievements for Bonus Attack Masters!

Honkai: Star Rail even rewards you for using Bonus Attacks! There are special achievements in the “Eager for Battle” category just for defeating enemies with Bonus Attacks!

  • Shooting in Mozambique: Defeat 3 enemies with Bonus Attacks.

  • Winner with bonus attack I: Defeat 80 enemies with Bonus Attacks.

  • Winner with bonus attack II: Defeat 240 enemies with Bonus Attacks.

These achievements give you Star Jade, which is a valuable currency in the game! So, using Bonus Attacks is not just fun and powerful, it also helps you get rewards!

Conclusion: Bonus Attacks – Your Secret Weapon to Victory!

Bonus Attacks are a super cool and important part of Honkai: Star Rail! They let your characters attack extra times, deal tons of damage, and even get special effects. By understanding how Bonus Attacks work and which characters and equipment make them stronger, you can build an awesome team that’s ready for anything!

So, next time you’re building your team in Honkai: Star Rail, think about Bonus Attacks! See which characters have them, try out Light Cones and Relics that boost them, and get ready to unleash a storm of extra hits on your enemies! Have fun exploring the world of Bonus Attacks and becoming a true Honkai: Star Rail master!

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