Hey Helldivers! Imagine you’re a super cool space soldier, bravely fighting off scary bugs and robots in the awesome game Helldivers 2. You’ve got your super gun, your awesome armor, and… grenades! Grenades are like little pocket explosions you can throw to help you win battles. They’re super important in Helldivers 2 because they can do all sorts of amazing things.
Think of grenades like your secret weapons. Need to clear out a whole bunch of creepy crawlies? BOOM! Grenade time! Need to make some space so you and your friends can run away and come up with a new plan? Toss a grenade! Choosing the right grenade in Helldivers 2 is like picking the right tool for the job – it can make a HUGE difference.
There are lots of different kinds of grenades in Helldivers 2, and each one is special in its own way. Some are super explosive and go BOOM really loud. Others might make enemies dizzy or set them on fire! It’s like having a whole toolbox of throwable awesomeness.
Today, we’re going to explore all the different grenades in Helldivers 2 and rank them from the ones that are… well, maybe not so great, to the absolute BEST ones that will make you a grenade-throwing superstar! Get ready to learn about explosions, crowd control, and how to become a grenade master in Helldivers 2!
Let’s dive in and see which grenades are going to be your best buddies on the battlefield. We’re starting with the ones that might not be your first pick, and working our way up to the super-duper grenades that can really save the day!
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10 Best Helldivers 2 Grenades
1. G-123 Thermite Grenade

- Unlocked: Democratic Detonation Warbond
- What it Does: BURNS SUPER HOT and then EXPLODES! Double awesome!
- Boom Power: Insane fire damage AND a big explosion at the end!
- Cool Stuff: The most powerful grenade in the whole game! It sticks to enemies and burns them with super-hot fire for a long time, then BOOM! Enough damage to kill even the toughest enemies like Chargers and robot tanks! You can even stick it to robot factories and cannon turrets to destroy them! If you need to take down a big, scary enemy FAST, this is your grenade!
- Not-So-Cool Stuff: It takes a little while to burn and then explode. But the damage is SO worth it!
Think of it like: A super-hot, sticky fire bomb that melts through armor and then explodes for good measure! The ultimate anti-tank, anti-everything grenade!
Grade for Awesomeness: S+ (SUPERSTAR GRENADE! The best of the best!)
2. G-23 Stun Grenade

- Unlocked: Cutting Edge Warbond
- What it Does: STUNS enemies! Makes them stop moving and attacking for a few seconds!
- Boom Power: Zero damage, all stun power!
- Cool Stuff: Stops enemies in their tracks for a whole 5 seconds! That’s a LONG time in a fight! Perfect for stunning Chargers and Hulk robots so you can shoot their weak spots or run away. You can even throw a stun grenade and then call in a big bomb strike while the enemies are just standing there like dummies!
- Not-So-Cool Stuff: It doesn’t hurt enemies at all. It just stuns them. You still need to shoot them after you stun them to actually defeat them. But stunning enemies is SO helpful!
Think of it like: A magic freeze ray! It stops enemies in their tracks so you can get the upper hand.
Grade for Awesomeness: A+ (Super tactical and incredibly useful!)
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3. G-4 Gas Grenade

- Unlocked: Chemical Agents Warbond
- What it Does: Makes a big cloud of nasty gas! Enemies get sick and slow down!
- Boom Power: No explosion, but lots of icky gas damage over time.
- Cool Stuff: The gas hurts enemies slowly and makes them confused and slow. Awesome for controlling big groups of bugs! Makes it easier to deal with bug breaches. It can even destroy bug holes and robot factories with its gas! Sneaky!
- Not-So-Cool Stuff: It doesn’t explode right away, and the damage is slow. If you need to kill enemies fast, this isn’t the best choice. But for crowd control, it’s amazing!
Think of it like: A stink bomb that also poisons people! It’s not about a big bang, but about making enemies miserable and slow.
Grade for Awesomeness: A (Great for smart players who like to control the battlefield!)
4. G-16 Impact Grenade

- Unlocked: Helldivers Mobilize Warbond
- What it Does: BOOM! Right when it hits something! No waiting!
- Boom Power: Good, instant explosion!
- Cool Stuff: Explodes the second it touches an enemy or the ground. Super fast and easy to use. Great for taking out those annoying Bile Spewer bugs in one shot! Also good for groups of smaller enemies and even robot tanks if you hit their weak spots.
- Not-So-Cool Stuff: The explosion isn’t as big or strong as the High Explosive grenade. But being fast is often more important!
Think of it like: A super-fast firecracker that goes off the moment you drop it. Perfect for when you need an instant explosion!
Grade for Awesomeness: A- (Fast, reliable, and boom-tastic!)
Recommended: Become a Helldivers 2 Hero: The Ultimate Gear Guide for Awesome Missions
5. G-12 High Explosive Grenade

- Unlocked: You get this one right when you start training!
- What it Does: The name says it all – HIGH EXPLOSIVE! Big explosion!
- Boom Power: The biggest single explosion of all the grenades!
- Cool Stuff: Does tons of damage in one big blast. Good against almost all kinds of enemies. It can even hurt armored enemies a little bit.
- Not-So-Cool Stuff: It takes a while to explode after you throw it – the fuse is kind of long. In a fast battle, you might not have time to wait for it to blow up! Sometimes you need an explosion NOW!
Think of it like: A really powerful firecracker with a long fuse. When it goes off, it’s awesome, but you have to be patient.
Grade for Awesomeness: B+ (Big boom, but a bit slow.)
6. G-10 Incendiary Grenade

- Unlocked: Steeled Veterans Warbond
- What it Does: Sets everything on fire! Big fire!
- Boom Power: Mostly fire, a little explosion.
- Cool Stuff: Sets enemies on fire for a long time, doing lots of damage. Great against bugs and robots that are weak to fire. You can even use it to destroy those robot warp ships that bring in more bad guys!
- Not-So-Cool Stuff: It takes a little while to explode after you throw it. You have to wait for the fuse. If you’re in a hurry, this might not be the best choice. You also have to be careful not to set yourself on fire!
Think of it like: A Molotov cocktail (but safer!). It’s all about setting things ablaze and watching them burn.
Grade for Awesomeness: B (Good for fire fans, but a little slow.)
7. G-13 Incendiary Impact Grenade

- Unlocked: Polar Patriots Warbond
- What it Does: Explodes AND sets things on fire! Double whammy!
- Boom Power: Explosion and fire!
- Cool Stuff: It explodes as soon as it hits something, so you don’t have to wait for a timer. Fire is good against squishy bug enemies.
- Not-So-Cool Stuff: The explosion and fire aren’t super strong compared to other fire grenades. And if you’re not careful, you can set yourself on fire too! Ouch! Other grenades are just better at exploding or setting things on fire.
Think of it like: A match and a small firecracker taped together. It makes a little bang and a little fire, but not a huge amount of either.
Grade for Awesomeness: B- (Fun idea, but could be better.)
8. G-6 Frag Grenade

- Unlocked: Helldivers Mobilize Warbond
- What it Does: Explodes and throws bits of metal everywhere! Like a little bomb!
- Boom Power: Pretty good boom!
- Cool Stuff: It explodes in a wide area, so it can hit lots of enemies at once. Good for groups of smaller bad guys. You can also throw it into bug holes and robot factories to close them down!
- Not-So-Cool Stuff: It’s not the strongest explosion. There are other grenades that do more damage. It’s kind of just… average. It’s like the peanut butter and jelly sandwich of grenades – it gets the job done, but it’s not super exciting.
Think of it like: A decent firework. It goes bang, but it’s not the biggest or brightest firework at the show.
Grade for Awesomeness: C+ (Solid, but not amazing.)
9. G-3 Smoke Grenade

- Unlocked: Helldivers Mobilize Warbond
- What it Does: Makes a cloud of smoke! Poof!
- Boom Power: Nope. Just smoke.
- Cool Stuff: Robots get confused by smoke! If you throw a smoke grenade, robots might stop shooting at you because they can’t see you anymore. This can be helpful to sneak around or run away.
- Not-So-Cool Stuff: Bugs don’t really care about smoke. They’ll still come get you! And smoke doesn’t hurt anyone or blow anything up. It’s only good for hiding from robots, and even then, sometimes they just shoot into the smoke anyway! Plus, it can’t destroy enemy buildings.
Think of it like: Putting up a curtain to hide from someone. It might work for a little while, but they can probably still find you if they really want to.
Grade for Awesomeness: C- (Okay for robots, not so much for bugs.)
10. K-2 Throwing Knife

- Unlocked: Viper Commandos Warbond
- What it Does: This isn’t really a grenade in the exploding kind of way. It’s a sharp knife you throw!
- Boom Power: Zero booms. Just… thunk.
- Cool Stuff: It can poke enemies with medium armor.
- Not-So-Cool Stuff: You have to be a super good aimer to hit the weak spots on bad guys. And it doesn’t explode! When you’re surrounded by enemies, you want something that goes BOOM to help a lot of bad guys at once. This knife only hurts one enemy at a time. It also can’t break robot factories or bug holes like real grenades. It’s kind of like bringing a toothpick to a monster truck rally.
Think of it like: Trying to stop a charging rhino with a butter knife. It might work if you’re super skilled and lucky, but there are WAY better tools for the job.
Grade for Awesomeness: D- (Needs more boom!)
How to Throw Grenades Like a Pro
Okay, now you know all about the grenades, but how do you actually throw them in Helldivers 2? It’s easy!
For PlayStation Players:
- Get your grenades ready: Press the right button on the D-pad (the arrow buttons on the left side of your controller) until you see grenades selected.
- Quick Throw (Just toss it!): Press the R2 button (the trigger button on the right side) to throw a grenade in the direction your character is facing. Fast and simple!
- Aim Throw (Be more precise!): Hold down the L2 button (the button on the left shoulder) to aim your throw. You’ll see a line showing where your grenade will go. Then, press R2 to throw it exactly where you’re aiming! Great for hitting those bug holes from far away!
For PC Players:
- Grenade Time!: Press the number ‘4’ key on your keyboard to get your grenades ready.
- Quick Throw (Zoom!): Press the ‘G’ key to throw a grenade quickly in front of you.
- Aim and Throw (Get it just right!): To aim, you usually just aim with your mouse like you’re aiming your gun, and then press ‘4’ to throw. The game will help you aim where you’re pointing!
Practice Makes Perfect!
The best way to get good at throwing grenades is to practice! Try out all the different grenades and see which ones you like best. Experiment with quick throws and aimed throws. Soon you’ll be a grenade-throwing master, clearing out enemies and saving your Helldiver squad!
So there you have it! A kid-friendly guide to all the awesome grenades in Helldivers 2! From smoky sneakiness to fiery explosions, there’s a grenade for every situation. Remember, the best grenade for you depends on what you’re fighting and how you like to play.
Try them all out, experiment, and find your favorites! Grenades are a super fun and important part of being a Helldiver. Just remember to aim carefully, don’t blow yourself up, and have a blast (pun intended!) taking down those bugs and robots!
Now go out there, Helldiver, and make those grenades fly! For Democracy! And for awesome explosions!
Frequently Asked Questions
A: For pure power and taking down big enemies, the Thermite Grenade is amazing! But the Stun Grenade is also super useful for helping your team. It depends on what you need in the battle!
A: You start each mission with some grenades! You can also find more grenades during missions by exploring and opening boxes and containers. Keep your eyes peeled!
A: YES! Be careful! Grenades can hurt you and your teammates if you’re too close when they explode. Always throw grenades away from yourself and your friends! Friendly fire is NOT friendly!
A: It happens to the best of us! Just try again! Practice makes perfect. And sometimes even a missed grenade can still be useful for making enemies move around.
A: Nope! Guns and grenades work together! Guns are great for shooting enemies from a distance, and grenades are awesome for clearing out groups of enemies or taking down tough targets up close. Use both for maximum Helldiver power!
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