Hey future Helldivers! Are you ready to jump into action and defend Super Earth? Awesome! Being a Helldiver is all about bravery and teamwork. You get to travel to amazing planets and fight for freedom and… well, democracy! But to be the best Helldiver ever, you need to know who you’re up against.
Imagine you’re a superhero, right? Before you go battling villains, you need to know their powers, their weaknesses, and what makes them tick. It’s the same thing in Helldivers 2! Across the galaxy, you’ll face different kinds of enemies who want to mess with Super Earth’s peace. Some are like creepy crawly bugs, others are like robot armies, and then there are the… Illuminate.
The Illuminate are a bit different from the others. Think of them as the sneaky, brainy bad guys. They’re not just about brute force; they’re clever and use tricky tactics. And guess what? They look a bit like squids from outer space! Cool, right? (Well, cool to fight, maybe not to meet in a dark alley!)
In Helldivers 2, you’ll find the Illuminate in areas marked purple on your Galactic War map. Right now, they’re causing trouble on planets called Colonies, which are like important space towns for Super Earth. So, it’s super important to know who these Illuminate are and how to beat them.
This guide is going to be your secret weapon! We’ll break down each type of Illuminate enemy you might encounter. We’ll talk about what they look like, how they attack, and most importantly, how YOU can send them packing back to whatever weird planet they came from!
Get ready to become an Illuminate expert! Knowing your enemy is the first step to becoming a legendary Helldiver and saving Super Earth! Let’s dive in!
Also read: Helldivers 2: All About the Illuminate and How You Can Defeat Them
The Illuminate Enemy Squad: Get to Know Your Squishy Targets!
The Illuminate aren’t like those huge bug swarms or clunky robots. They have a smaller group of fighters, but each one is designed for a special job. They work together like a team, and if you’re not careful, they can really cause you trouble. But don’t worry, we’re going to learn how to outsmart them!
Let’s meet the Illuminate enemy squad, one by one:
1. The Voteless: The Zerg Rush of Space Squids!

- What are they? Imagine if someone captured regular people and turned them into… well, not-so-nice creatures. That’s kind of what the Illuminate do to captured Super Earth citizens. They become the Voteless. These guys used to be just like you and me, but now they’re changed and fight for the Illuminate against their will. That’s pretty sad, right?
- What do they do? The Voteless are like the foot soldiers of the Illuminate. There are tons of them! They don’t have strong armor or fancy weapons. Think of them like a big crowd of not-very-tough enemies. They’ll try to surround you and overwhelm you with their numbers. It’s like when you’re playing tag, and suddenly, everyone is chasing you at once!
- How to beat them? Because there are so many Voteless, you need weapons that can take out lots of enemies at once.
- Choke Points are Your Friend: Imagine a hallway or a narrow doorway. If you can make the Voteless come at you through a small space (a choke point), it’s much easier to shoot them down as they come through. It’s like making them stand in line for you!
- Sentry Guns are Awesome: Sentry guns are like automatic turrets that shoot enemies for you! If you set up a sentry gun in a good spot, it can mow down tons of Voteless before they even get close to you. Think of it as your robot buddy helping you out!
- Big Magazines, Big Fun! Weapons with lots of bullets are great for the Voteless. You don’t want to have to reload when you’re surrounded! Keep firing!
- Crowd Control is Key: Weapons that can slow down or stop groups of enemies are super helpful. Think of grenades that explode and knock enemies back, or weapons that shoot fire or electricity that can hit lots of Voteless at once.
- Important Tip: Don’t stand still! The Voteless are slow and not very strong on their own, but if they surround you, it can get dangerous. Keep moving, keep shooting, and use those choke points and sentries to your advantage! Imagine you’re like a ninja, always moving and dodging!
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2. The Watcher: Space Squid Spy Drones!

- What are they? Imagine a flying eyeball with lightning powers! Okay, maybe not exactly an eyeball, but the Watcher is a floating probe that acts as the Illuminate’s scout. Think of it like their flying spy camera.
- What do they do? Watchers fly around looking for trouble… for you! They’re always on patrol, trying to spot Helldivers. If a Watcher sees you, it will come closer to check you out. If it decides you’re a threat (and you are, because you’re a Helldiver!), it will send out a signal to call for backup. Plus, they have a zap attack! If you get too close, they can shoot you with lightning! Ouch!
- How to beat them? Watchers are annoying because they bring in more enemies. You need to take them out fast!
- Shoot ‘Em in the Eye! Watchers have a weak spot – their eye! If you can shoot them right in the eye, you’ll do extra damage and take them down quicker. It’s like hitting the bullseye!
- Accuracy is Important: Watchers often hang back and fly around far away. You’ll need a weapon that’s accurate, like a rifle or something that shoots straight. Shotguns might not work as well from far away.
- Don’t Let Them Get Too Close: If you start shooting at a Watcher, it might try to get closer to you to use its lightning attack or to call for reinforcements. Keep your distance and take it out before it can cause more problems. Imagine you’re playing a game of tag, and you have to tag the Watcher before it tags you with reinforcements!
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3. The Overseer: The Elite Energy Staff Squad!

- What are they? Think of the Overseer as the tough, well-trained soldiers of the Illuminate. They’re not just ordinary grunts like the Voteless. These guys are the elite! They’re smarter, stronger, and have better weapons.
- What do they do? Overseers are the leaders in the Illuminate army. They fight alongside the Voteless, telling them what to do and providing heavy firepower. Overseers have cool energy staffs that can shoot energy blasts from far away, and they can also use them up close like a sword! Plus, some Overseers have jetpacks! These jetpack Overseers can fly around and throw grenades down at you and shoot at you from above. Talk about being annoying! They also have energy shields they can put up to protect themselves. Talk about being prepared for anything!
- How to beat them? Overseers are tougher than the Voteless and Watchers, so you need to be smarter about fighting them.
- Armor Up! Overseers have armor, which means regular bullets might not hurt them as much. You need weapons that can pierce armor. Think of it like needing a special key to unlock a door. Armor-piercing weapons are the key to damaging Overseers effectively.
- Aim for the Body, Not Just the Head! It might seem like you should always aim for the head, but Overseers have really strong helmets. Sometimes, it’s better to shoot them in the body where their armor might be a little weaker. Experiment and see what works best with your weapons!
- Watch Out for the Shields! When an Overseer puts up their energy shield, it blocks most attacks. You need to either wait for the shield to go down, or try to get around it. Maybe you can flank them (go around to their side) or use explosive weapons to break the shield. It’s like trying to get past a force field!
- Jetpack Overseers? Shoot Them Down! Jetpack Overseers are dangerous because they can attack from above. Try to shoot them out of the sky! Accurate weapons are great for taking down flying enemies. Imagine you’re playing a shooting gallery, and the jetpack Overseers are the flying targets!
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4. The Harvester: The Laser-Eyed Tank!

- What is it? Get ready to face the big boss of the Illuminate ground forces: the Harvester. This is a huge, armored, one-eyed monster! Think of it like a giant walking tank with a laser cannon for an eye! Seriously, these guys are scary.
- What do they do? Harvesters are all about firepower. They have a massive laser beam that they can charge up and fire. This laser can melt Helldivers in seconds and even blast through buildings! Yikes! They also have a strong energy shield that protects them from damage. They’re slow, but when they start shooting that laser, you better watch out!
- How to beat them? Harvesters are tough, but not unbeatable! You just need to be smart and use the right strategy.
- Shields Down First! The Harvester’s shield soaks up all damage. You can’t really hurt it until you take down the shield. Use weapons that can quickly destroy energy shields. Weapons with a high rate of fire, like machine guns or fast-shooting energy weapons, work well. Think of it like chipping away at a big block of ice.
- Explosives After the Shield! Once the shield is down, then you bring out the big guns! Explosive Stratagems (those are like special attacks you call in) are super effective against Harvesters when their shield is gone. Eagle Strafing Runs (planes that fly by and bomb enemies) or anything that explodes with a big boom will do the trick! It’s like hitting a home run after getting past the pitcher!
- Stay Moving! Harvesters are slow, but their laser is deadly. Don’t stand still when you’re fighting a Harvester! Keep moving around to avoid getting hit by the laser. Imagine you’re dodging laser beams in a sci-fi movie!
- Teamwork Makes the Dream Work! Harvesters are really tough to take down alone. Work with your Helldiver squad! One person can focus on taking down the shield while others attack the Harvester when it’s vulnerable. Teamwork is key to defeating these big baddies!
Also read: Best Grenades in Helldivers 2
Become an Illuminate Expert and Save Super Earth!
Wow, you’ve learned a lot about the Illuminate! You now know about the Voteless, Watchers, Overseers, and Harvesters. You know what they are, what they do, and most importantly, how to fight them!
Remember, being a Helldiver is all about being prepared and knowing your enemy. By understanding the Illuminate, you’re already one step ahead and closer to becoming a Super Earth hero!
So, next time you drop into an Illuminate-occupied zone, don’t be scared! Be smart, use your strategies, work with your team, and show those squid-like aliens what Helldivers are made of! Go get ‘em, Helldiver! Super Earth is counting on you!
Frequently Asked Questions
A: Neither! The Illuminate are a completely different alien race. They are more like squid-like creatures who are very intelligent and use energy weapons and tricky tactics.
A: You can find them in purple zones on the Galactic War map. They are currently attacking Colony planets.
A: Many Helldivers think the Illuminate are trickier to fight because they use different strategies and weapons compared to the bugs and robots. They can be very sneaky and use shields and energy attacks.
A: There’s no single “best” weapon, but weapons that are accurate, can pierce armor, and are good for crowd control are all helpful. Experiment with different weapons and Stratagems to find what works best for you against each type of Illuminate enemy!
A: No, in Helldivers 2, you always play as a Helldiver fighting against the enemies, including the Illuminate. You are always on the side of Super Earth!
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