Helldivers 2: All About the Illuminate and How You Can Defeat Them

Helldivers 2 All About the Illuminate and How You Can Defeat Them

Hey Helldivers! Get ready for some awesome news! Guess what? Brand new bad guys have landed in Helldivers 2, and they are called the Illuminate! You might have heard whispers about them, maybe your older brother or sister who plays Helldivers 2 talked about a secret third enemy. Well, the secret is out, and they are HERE!

These aren’t just any bad guys. The Illuminate are like super smart, super sneaky aliens from outer space, and they are ready to cause trouble for Super Earth. If you played the first Helldivers game, you might remember them. They are back and tougher than ever!

Think of them like this: Imagine if you had to fight robot armies AND zombie hordes at the same time, but these zombies are controlled by alien mind powers! That’s kind of what fighting the Illuminate is like. Are you brave enough to take on this challenge? Let’s dive in and learn all about them so you can become a super awesome Helldiver and send these aliens packing!

Also read: Helldivers 2: How to Ping & Mark Locations on the Map 

Who are the Illuminate? Meet the Squids!

In Helldivers 2, you’ve probably been busy fighting the bug-like Terminids (those creepy crawlies!) or the robot Automatons (those metal meanies!). Well, now there’s a third group to worry about, and they are called the Illuminate. Some people even call them “Squids” because, well, they look a little bit like squids!

These Illuminate aliens are super smart and use really advanced technology. They aren’t just strong, they are sneaky too. Instead of just rushing at you like the Terminids, or shooting from far away like the Automatons, the Illuminate do a mix of both. They’ll send waves of enemies to attack you up close, but they also have powerful weapons that can hit you from far away. They’re tricky!

What makes them really different is their mind control. Imagine aliens who can control people’s minds! That’s what the Illuminate do. They can take over humans and turn them into their own soldiers. These mind-controlled humans are called the Voteless, and they are like zombie-like enemies you’ll have to fight. Creepy, right?

Fighting in the City: Urban Warfare!

When you fight the Terminids, you’re usually in wide-open spaces, like forests or deserts. When you fight the Automatons, it’s often in robot factories or snowy areas. But when you fight the Illuminate, get ready for something different: cities!

The Illuminate like to hang out in cities, which means you’ll be fighting in streets, around buildings, and maybe even inside houses! This makes fighting them both harder and a little bit easier in some ways.

It’s harder because it’s not as easy to run around and move freely like in open areas. Buildings can get in your way, and the streets can be narrow. But buildings can also be your friends! You can use them as cover to hide from enemy attacks, reload your weapons safely, and plan your next move. Think of it like a giant playground, but with aliens trying to get you!

Read also: Helldivers 2: Best PC Settings to Improve FPS & Gameplay

Meet the Enemy: All the Illuminate Bad Guys!

Okay, let’s get to know the bad guys you’ll be facing. There are different types of Illuminate enemies, and each one has its own tricks and dangers. Here are the main ones you’ll meet:

1. The Voteless: Mind-Controlled Humans!

Imagine regular people, but they are being controlled by the Illuminate! That’s the Voteless. They are humans who have been taken over and changed by the aliens. They are like zombie soldiers for the Illuminate.

  • What they do: The Voteless run straight at you and try to scratch and claw you. They are kind of like zombie hordes – lots of them coming at once!
  • Are they tough? By themselves, one Voteless isn’t too hard to beat. But when there are lots of them, they can be a problem. If you let too many get close, they can overwhelm you and your Helldiver team.
  • How to beat them: Use weapons that can hit lots of enemies at once, like machine guns or shotguns. Grenades are also great for clearing out groups of Voteless. The key is to keep them from getting too close!

2. Overseers: Alien Leaders with Cool Gear!

These guys are the real alien leaders of the Illuminate. They are bigger than the Voteless and come in different types, each with different weapons and abilities. Think of them as the captains of the alien team.

  • What they do: Overseers are smarter and tougher than the Voteless. Some of them have spears and shields, like ancient warriors from space! Others have blaster rifles for shooting from a distance, and some even have jetpacks to fly around and attack you from above!
  • Are they tough? Overseers are definitely more dangerous than the Voteless. They can take more hits, and their attacks can hurt a lot. They often come in groups, so you need to be careful!
  • How to beat them: Focus fire on them with your weapons. A few seconds of steady shooting should take them down. For the ones with shields, try to shoot around the shield or use explosive weapons to break through it. For the jetpack Overseers, try to shoot them down when they are flying or use weapons that are good at hitting targets in the air.

3. Watchers: Floating Scout Drones!

Imagine floating eyeballs with spotlights and electric zappers! That’s kind of what the Watchers are. They are flying robots that act like scouts for the Illuminate. Think of them as the eyes and ears of the alien army.

  • What they do: Watchers fly around looking for Helldivers. If they spot you, they will shine a bright spotlight in your eyes to blind you! Then, they’ll try to zap you with electricity. But the worst thing they do is call for backup! If a Watcher sees you, it will call in dropships full of more Illuminate enemies.
  • Are they tough? Watchers themselves aren’t super strong, but they are super annoying and dangerous because they call for reinforcements.
  • How to beat them: Take them out quickly! A few shots to their big central eye will destroy them. If you see a Watcher, make it your first target. You can try to sneak around them if you’re careful, but it’s usually better to just shoot them down before they cause trouble. Think of them like alarm systems – you need to turn them off!

4. Harvesters: Giant Robot Spiders!

Get ready for the big boss enemies of the Illuminate – the Harvesters! These are HUGE, armored, walking machines that are like giant robot spiders. They are the biggest and toughest enemies in the Illuminate army right now. Imagine a robot spider the size of a small building – that’s a Harvester!

  • What they do: Harvesters stomp around the battlefield, smashing everything in their path. They have powerful lasers that shoot from their eye (yes, they have a giant eye!). They also have shields that protect them from damage. They are slow but incredibly dangerous.
  • Are they tough? YES! Harvesters are super tough. They can take a lot of damage, their shields make them hard to hurt, and their laser can blast you to bits if you’re not careful. They are like the tanks of the Illuminate army.
  • How to beat them: This is where you need to bring out the big guns! You’ll need powerful weapons and maybe even special Stratagems (those cool support abilities Helldivers use). Here are some tips:
    • Break the Shield: Harvesters have regenerating shields. You need to keep shooting at the shield to wear it down before you can hurt the Harvester itself.
    • Aim for the Eye: The Harvester’s eye is its weak spot. If you can hit the eye with powerful shots, you can do a lot of damage.
    • Use Cover: Harvesters are slow, so use buildings and other cover to hide from their laser and get around them. Don’t fight them in the open if you can help it!
    • Bring the Big Guns: Use your best Stratagems, like Orbital Strikes or powerful weapons that can pierce armor, to take down Harvesters quickly. Teamwork is key!

How to Beat the Illuminate: Top Tips and Tricks!

Okay, you know the enemies. Now, how do you actually beat them and win? Here are some awesome tips and tricks to help you fight the Illuminate and become a Helldivers 2 hero!

1. Mix and Match Your Weapons:

The Illuminate have lots of different kinds of enemies, so you need to be ready for anything! It’s a good idea for your Helldiver team to use different types of weapons.

  • Firepower for Bugs: Some Helldivers should have weapons that are good against organic enemies (like bugs or the Voteless). Think flamethrowers or weapons that set things on fire!
  • Armor-Piercing for Robots and Big Aliens: Other Helldivers should have weapons that are good against robots and armored enemies (like Overseers and Harvesters). These are weapons that can punch through armor and shields.
  • Crowd Control is Key: Don’t forget weapons that can handle lots of enemies at once! Machine guns, shotguns, and grenades are great for dealing with hordes of Voteless.

2. Grenades are Your Best Friend Against Spaceships!

The Illuminate arrive in flying saucers that land on the ground. These are called “warp ships,” and they are like enemy bases that keep spitting out more bad guys. But guess what? You can destroy them!

  • Grenade Trick: If you throw a grenade or any explosive into the door of a warp ship, it will blow up! Boom! No more enemies coming from that ship.
  • Secondary Objective: Destroying warp ships is also a Secondary Objective in missions, which means you get extra rewards and experience points for doing it! Bonus!
  • Shields First: Just like the Harvesters, warp ships have shields. You need to shoot the shields a bit to weaken them before you can blow them up with grenades.

3. Stealth or Snipe the Watchers!

When you are out in the city streets, watch out for Watchers! These flying drones can cause a lot of trouble if they spot you.

  • Sneak Around: If you can, try to stay out of sight of the Watchers. They don’t have super wide vision, so you can often sneak around buildings and avoid being seen.
  • Take Them Out First: If you can’t sneak, make the Watchers your top priority. Shoot them down before they can call for reinforcements. A quick burst of fire to their eye is all it takes.

4. Shoot Down Drop Ships from the Sky!

Just like the Automatons, the Illuminate also have drop ships that fly in to bring more enemies. But guess what again? You can shoot them down too!

  • Target the Underside: Look for a circle on the bottom of the drop ship. That’s the weak spot.
  • Use Stratagems: Use powerful Stratagems like Orbital Strikes or even just focused fire from your weapons to hit that weak spot and blow up the drop ship before it lands. Stop those reinforcements before they even arrive!

5. Break Harvester Armor with Focused Fire!

Remember those giant robot spider Harvesters? They have tough armor, but it’s not completely unbreakable.

  • Focus Fire: If you and your Helldiver buddies all shoot at the same spot on a Harvester’s armor, you can break it off! This creates a weak spot that everyone can then shoot at to do more damage.
  • Stay Behind Them: The Harvester’s laser eye is on the front. So, try to stay behind it or to the side to avoid getting blasted. Use buildings and cover to move around and get to its back.

6. Cars are Fun, But Be Careful!

Helldivers 2 has vehicles like the Fast Recon Vehicle (the car!). It can be fun to drive around the city streets and get to places quickly.

  • Good for Streets: Cars are great for driving on flat streets in the city.
  • Bad for Off-Road: But be very careful taking them off-road or on hills! These cars can flip over easily, especially on uneven ground.
  • Explosion Danger: And if a car flips over, it can explode! And if your whole Helldiver team is in the car when it explodes… well, that’s not good! So, use cars for fun and speed on streets, but be super careful and don’t rely on them too much.

7. Use Cover, But Don’t Trust It Forever!

Cities are full of buildings and walls, which is great for cover. But remember, things can get destroyed in Helldivers 2!

  • Cover is Good: Use buildings and walls to hide from enemy fire and plan your attacks.
  • Destructible World: But don’t think that cover will last forever. Enemies can shoot at buildings and destroy them. So, use cover, but be ready to move if it starts to break apart! Don’t get caught out in the open!


The Illuminate are a brand new challenge in Helldivers 2, and they are definitely going to keep you on your toes! They are smart, sneaky, and have a mix of different enemy types that will test your Helldiver skills.

But don’t worry, Helldivers are brave and resourceful! By learning about the Illuminate enemies, using smart strategies, working together as a team, and using these tips and tricks, you can totally defeat them and protect Super Earth!

Remember to mix up your weapons, use grenades against warp ships, watch out for Watchers, shoot down drop ships, focus fire on Harvester armor, be careful with cars, and use cover wisely. And most importantly, have fun and fight for freedom!

So, are you ready to become a Helldiver and face the Illuminate? They might seem scary, but with teamwork, smart thinking, and a little bit of bravery, you and your friends can beat them and save Super Earth! Now go out there, Helldiver, and show those aliens what you’re made of! For Super Earth!

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