Honkai: Star Rail – Acheron’s Best Teammates

Honkai Star Rail - Acheron's Best Teammates

Have you ever played a game where you have a super cool character, but they just don’t seem as strong as you want them to be? That can be a little frustrating, right? Well, in Honkai: Star Rail, it’s all about teamwork! Even if you have an amazing character like Acheron, you need to pick the right friends to fight alongside her to really see her shine.

Think of it like this: Imagine you have the coolest race car ever, like super fast and shiny! But if you don’t have a good pit crew to help you with tires and fuel, you might not win the race. In Honkai: Star Rail, your “pit crew” are the other characters you put on your team with Acheron.

Acheron is a really special character in Honkai: Star Rail. She’s like a super-powered swordswoman who uses dark energy. She’s what we call a “DPS” character, which basically means her job is to do a LOT of damage to the bad guys. But here’s the thing: Acheron needs help from her friends to be the best she can be.

You see, Honkai: Star Rail is a turn-based game. That means you and the enemies take turns attacking. So, you need to plan your moves carefully and make sure your team works together. Just having Acheron on your team isn’t enough. You need to build a team that makes her even stronger!

This guide is going to show you some of the best characters to team up with Acheron. We’ll keep it simple and easy to understand, just like we’re explaining it to a friend. Let’s get started and build the ultimate team for Acheron!

Also read: Honkai Star Rail Codes

Meet Acheron’s Best Buddies!

We’re going to talk about some awesome characters who are like the best sidekicks for Acheron. These characters are really good at helping Acheron do more damage and win battles. Think of them as Acheron’s cheerleaders and helpers all rolled into one!

1. Pela

  • Path: Nihility (Sounds fancy, but it just means she’s good at making enemies weaker!)
  • Combat Type: Ice (She uses ice powers!)
  • Role in Team: Debuffer (Debuffer? That means she makes enemies weaker! Like turning down their power button!)

Pela is like the queen of making enemies easy to beat! She’s one of the BEST friends Acheron can have. Why? Because Pela has a super cool move called her “Ultimate.” When Pela uses her Ultimate, it’s like she shouts really loudly, and all the bad guys suddenly become less tough!

Imagine the bad guys have shields protecting them. Pela’s Ultimate is like breaking all those shields at once! This is called “DEF shred” in the game. “DEF” is short for defense, which is how tough the enemies are. “Shred” means to tear apart. So, Pela shreds the enemy’s defense, making them much easier for Acheron to hurt! And when Acheron attacks enemies with less defense, she does WAY more damage! It’s like magic!

But wait, there’s more! Pela also has another trick up her sleeve. If you get Pela to be even stronger (in the game, it’s called getting her “Eidolon 4”), she can make enemies weaker even with her regular attack, called her “Skill.” This extra weakness might not directly help Acheron every time, but it gives Acheron a special boost she needs for her own super-powerful Ultimate attack! It’s like giving Acheron an extra energy drink!

Even if you don’t have Pela super powered up, you can still give her a special weapon (called a “Light Cone”) that does almost the same thing as her Eidolon 4. It’s like giving Pela a special ice wand that always makes enemies a little weaker.

Why Pela is Awesome with Acheron:

  • Makes enemies less tough: Pela’s Ultimate breaks enemy defenses, making them easy for Acheron to damage.
  • Gives Acheron energy: Pela helps Acheron charge up her super attack faster.
  • Easy to use: Pela is pretty straightforward and helps Acheron right away!

2. Sparkle

  • Path: Harmony (She brings harmony to the team, making everyone work better together!)
  • Combat Type: Quantum (She uses quantum energy!)
  • Role in Team: DMG Booster (DMG Booster? That means she makes everyone do MORE DAMAGE! Like turning up the volume on their attacks!)

Sparkle is like the super cheerful friend who makes everyone around her stronger and faster! She’s a “Harmony” character, and that’s exactly what she does – she makes your team work together in harmony and become more powerful.

Sparkle and Acheron can be a really amazing team, but you need to set things up just right. It’s like building a really cool LEGO set – you need all the right pieces in the right place.

Here’s the trick: When you use Sparkle with Acheron, you might only have space for one other “Nihility” character on your team. Remember, Nihility characters like Pela and Acheron are good at making enemies weaker. If you only have one other Nihility character, you might do a little less damage overall at first. It’s like having one less person helping to push a heavy box.

BUT! Don’t worry! Sparkle can help make up for that! If you give Acheron a special weapon (a Light Cone) that can also make enemies weaker on its own, then things get really interesting! When Acheron uses her regular attack (her Skill) with this special weapon and with Sparkle on the team, she gets TWO boosts towards her super Ultimate attack! It’s like getting double the energy drinks!

Sparkle also makes Acheron attack more often! She speeds up the whole team, so Acheron gets to use her Skill more times in a battle. This means Acheron can charge up her Ultimate super fast and unleash tons of damage! With Sparkle, Acheron becomes like a super-speedy, super-powerful swordswoman! Enemies will be shaking in their boots!

Why Sparkle is Awesome with Acheron:

  • Speeds up Acheron: Sparkle lets Acheron attack more often and charge her Ultimate faster.
  • Boosts Acheron’s energy: With the right setup, Sparkle gives Acheron double energy boosts for her Ultimate.
  • Makes Acheron a super-speedy attacker: Sparkle turns Acheron into a damage machine!

Read also: Honkai Star Rail 3.1 Livestream Codes

3. Silver Wolf

  • Path: Nihility (Weakening enemies is her specialty!)
  • Combat Type: Quantum (More quantum power!)
  • Role in Team: Debuffer (Yep, another enemy-weakener!)

Silver Wolf is a super cool character who is like a hacker in the game world! She can mess with enemies and make them way weaker. When Honkai: Star Rail first came out, Silver Wolf was one of the BEST characters in the whole game! Everyone wanted her on their team!

But as more and more characters came out, Silver Wolf became a little less popular. Why? Because Silver Wolf’s special trick is to make enemies weak to different types of attacks (like fire, ice, or lightning). But as players got more characters who were already good at different types of attacks, Silver Wolf’s special trick wasn’t needed as much. It’s like having a key that unlocks every door, but then you realize you already have keys for most of the doors!

BUT! Guess what? Silver Wolf is still AMAZING with Acheron! Why? Because even though her special trick might not be as important anymore, she’s still REALLY good at making enemies weaker in other ways!

Silver Wolf can make enemies weaker with ALL of her attacks! She can also make enemies lose a LOT of defense! Remember “DEF shred” from Pela? Silver Wolf does that too, and it makes Acheron’s attacks hit even harder! It’s like Silver Wolf takes away the enemy’s armor so Acheron can slice right through them!

Silver Wolf also helps Acheron get her Ultimate attack ready faster. She’s like a super battery charger for Acheron’s ultimate! With Silver Wolf, Acheron will be unleashing her powerful attacks all the time!

Why Silver Wolf is Awesome with Acheron:

  • Weakens enemies in many ways: Silver Wolf makes enemies weaker with all her attacks.
  • Super DEF shred: She takes away a lot of enemy defense, boosting Acheron’s damage big time.
  • Charges Acheron’s Ultimate faster: Silver Wolf helps Acheron use her super attack more often.

4. Black Swan

  • Path: Nihility (Making enemies weak, it’s what she does!)
  • Combat Type: Wind (She controls the wind!)
  • Role in Team: Secondary DPS / Debuffer (She does damage AND makes enemies weaker! Double whammy!)

Black Swan is a really interesting character. She’s like a fortune teller who uses her cards to attack enemies! Her teamwork with Acheron is kind of similar to another character we’ll talk about later, Guinaifen. Sometimes Black Swan is super amazing with Acheron, and sometimes she’s just okay. It depends on your team and the enemies you’re fighting.

Black Swan can weaken enemies with her regular attack (her Skill). She can also make them even weaker with her super attack (her Ultimate)! All this weakening helps Acheron charge up her Ultimate and deal more damage. It’s like Black Swan sets up the enemies for Acheron to knock them down!

But Black Swan is not just a helper! She can also do a good amount of damage on her own! She’s what we call a “Secondary DPS,” which means she can also attack and hurt enemies pretty well, in addition to helping Acheron. It’s like having two attackers on your team instead of just one!

Black Swan is especially awesome if you have another character on your team who also deals damage over time (DoT). Damage over time is like poison – it hurts enemies little by little over time. If you have characters who use DoT with Black Swan, it’s like having a super-powered team that slowly but surely defeats enemies! This kind of team is sometimes called a “triple DPS” team because everyone is attacking and doing damage!

Why Black Swan is Awesome with Acheron:

  • Weakens enemies: Black Swan makes enemies weaker with her Skill and Ultimate, helping Acheron.
  • Does damage herself: Black Swan is a Secondary DPS and can hurt enemies on her own.
  • Great in “DoT” teams: If you have other characters who do damage over time, Black Swan becomes even stronger!

5. Guinaifen

  • Path: Nihility (Weakening enemies is her game!)
  • Combat Type: Fire (She uses fire attacks!)
  • Role in Team: Debuffer (Making enemies weak, just like Pela and Silver Wolf!)

Guinaifen is like a fun and energetic firecracker girl! She’s a really good character to team up with Acheron, and the best part is, she’s easy to get for free in the game! She’s what we call “F2P-friendly,” which means “Free to Play friendly.” You don’t have to spend money to get her!

Right now in Honkai: Star Rail, there aren’t a TON of characters who can directly help Acheron do more damage. But Guinaifen is one of those characters! Whenever Guinaifen is on your team and she sets enemies on fire (with a “Burn” effect), she also gives them something called “Firekiss.”

“Firekiss” is like a special mark on the enemy. And here’s the cool part: Guinaifen can give enemies Firekiss even when it’s NOT her turn! This makes it super easy to build up the energy Acheron needs for her Ultimate attack! The more Firekiss enemies have, the more damage Acheron will do to them! It’s like Firekiss makes enemies extra vulnerable to Acheron’s attacks!

Why Guinaifen is Awesome with Acheron:

  • Easy to get: Guinaifen is free to play friendly!
  • Gives enemies Firekiss: Firekiss makes enemies weaker to Acheron’s attacks.
  • Charges Acheron’s Ultimate easily: Guinaifen helps Acheron get her super attack ready quickly.

6. Welt

  • Path: Nihility (Weakening enemies with time tricks!)
  • Combat Type: Imaginary (He uses imaginary power!)
  • Role in Team: Sustainer / Debuffer (He keeps the team alive AND makes enemies weaker! Double duty!)

Welt is like a wise old man who has been around since the very beginning of Honkai: Star Rail! If you’ve been playing the game for a while, you probably already have Welt! You can get him in different ways, so lots of players have him.

Welt is a really interesting character because you can use him to help Acheron in a special way. You can actually use Welt to keep your team alive AND make enemies weaker at the same time! He’s like a support character who can also protect the team. We call this a “Sustainer” role – someone who helps the team survive.

Welt’s main trick is to slow down enemies! He can make them move much slower, which gives your team more time to attack and less time for the enemies to attack you! It’s like hitting the slow-motion button on the enemies! He can also get rid of enemy weaknesses quickly!

The weaknesses and slow-down effects from Welt help Acheron charge up her Ultimate attack faster. And when Welt uses his own Ultimate, it not only hurts enemies but also traps them and makes them even slower! This helps keep your team safe, especially if you team him up with another character called Ruan Mei, who is also good at weakness breaking. With Welt, enemies might barely even get a chance to attack!

Why Welt is Awesome with Acheron:

  • Slows down enemies: Welt makes enemies move slower, giving your team an advantage.
  • Weakens enemies: Welt’s debuffs help Acheron charge her Ultimate.
  • Keeps team alive: Welt can help protect the team, acting as a Sustainer.

7. Kafka

  • Path: Nihility (Weakening enemies with style!)
  • Combat Type: Lightning (She uses lightning powers!)
  • Role in Team: Secondary DPS / Debuffer (Damage dealer and enemy-weakener!)

When people first saw that Acheron was a Nihility character (good at weakening enemies), they thought, “Wow, maybe she’ll be really good with Kafka!” Kafka is another Nihility character who is also really popular. While they might not be the absolute BEST team ever, they can still work really well together if you want them to!

Kafka’s special thing is that she uses electricity to shock enemies! Whenever Kafka uses her special attacks or breaks an enemy’s weakness, she zaps them with “Shock” damage. This Shock damage hurts enemies over time, like a little electric sting that keeps going. And guess what? This Shock effect counts as a “debuff”! Remember debuffs? They make enemies weaker! And debuffs help Acheron charge up her Ultimate faster!

So, when Kafka shocks enemies, she’s not just hurting them with electricity, she’s also helping Acheron get ready to unleash her super attack! If you put Kafka and Acheron on a team together, and also add Ruan Mei (who is good at breaking enemy weaknesses), your enemies might be in BIG trouble! They might not even get a chance to attack before you defeat them!

Why Kafka is Awesome with Acheron:

  • Shocks enemies: Kafka’s Shock damage is a debuff that helps Acheron.
  • Secondary DPS: Kafka can also do a lot of damage on her own.
  • Great with Ruan Mei: Team up Kafka, Acheron, and Ruan Mei for super weakness breaking power!

8. Dan Heng (Wind)

  • Path: The Hunt (He’s a hunter who focuses on taking down single enemies!)
  • Combat Type: Wind (He uses wind powers!)
  • Role in Team: Secondary DPS / Debuffer (Damage dealer and enemy-slow-downer!)

At first, you might think, “Wait, Acheron and Dan Heng together? That sounds a little weird.” But actually, they can work pretty well, especially when you’re just starting out in the game!

Dan Heng is a “Hunt” character, which means he’s really good at attacking one enemy at a time and doing big damage. His special attack (his Skill) can slow down enemies! Whenever Dan Heng attacks and gets a “Crit” (a super strong hit), he makes the enemy slower. If you make Dan Heng even stronger (get his last Eidolon), he can slow enemies down even MORE!

Slowing down enemies is really helpful because it means they attack less often, and you have more time to attack them! And guess what? Slowing down enemies also counts as a “debuff”! Yep, another debuff that helps Acheron charge up her Ultimate faster! It’s like Dan Heng is making the enemies move in slow motion so Acheron can easily hit them with her super attacks!

Plus, Dan Heng can also do a good amount of damage himself! So, he’s not just helping Acheron, he’s also attacking enemies. If you put Dan Heng on a team with Acheron and another character who can attack lots of enemies at once (an “AoE” attacker) or someone who makes your team stronger (a “buffer” or “debuffer”), you can have a really strong team that can win lots of battles!

Why Dan Heng (Wind) is Awesome with Acheron:

  • Slows down enemies with Crits: Dan Heng makes enemies slower, which is a debuff for Acheron.
  • Secondary DPS: Dan Heng can also do good damage on his own.
  • Good for early game: Dan Heng is a solid choice, especially when you are starting out.

Team Up and Win!

So there you have it! Those are some of the best friends you can team up with Acheron in Honkai: Star Rail! Remember, teamwork is super important in this game. Picking the right characters to go with Acheron can make a HUGE difference in how strong she is and how many battles you win!

Try out some of these teams and see which ones you like best. Experiment and have fun! And remember, the most important thing is to enjoy playing the game and building your own awesome teams! Good luck, Trailblazers!


Building the best team for Acheron in Honkai: Star Rail is like picking the perfect ingredients for a delicious recipe. Each character we talked about brings something special to the team, making Acheron even stronger and more fun to play! Whether it’s Pela weakening enemies with ice, Sparkle speeding up the team, or Silver Wolf hacking enemy defenses, these friends help Acheron shine. Remember, you don’t need to have all of these characters to make a great team. Start with the ones you have, experiment, and see what works best for you. The galaxy is waiting to be explored, and with the right team by Acheron’s side, you’ll be unstoppable! So go out there, build your dream team, and have an amazing adventure in Honkai: Star Rail!

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