Pokémon Go Type Effectiveness and Weakness Chart

Pokémon Go Type Effectiveness and Weakness Chart

Have you ever played Rock, Paper, Scissors? It’s a fun game where Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beats Paper, and Paper beats Rock. Well, Pokémon battles in Pokémon GO are kind of like a super cool, super powered-up version of Rock, Paper, Scissors! Instead of just three choices, Pokémon have different types, and these types decide who is strong against whom.

It might sound a little tricky at first, but don’t worry! Once you understand how Pokémon types work, you’ll be battling like a pro and winning tons of raids and Trainer Battles. Knowing your Pokémon types is like having a secret weapon – it can make all the difference between winning and losing!

Since the very first Pokémon games way back when, types have been super important. Even in the newest Pokémon games on Nintendo Switch, like Scarlet and Violet, they teach you about types right in the game! Pokémon GO uses the same awesome type system, so learning it here will help you in all sorts of Pokémon adventures.

Basically, Pokémon types are like elements – like Fire, Water, Grass, and more. These types decide if a Pokémon’s attack is going to be really strong (super effective), not very strong (not very effective), or just okay (neutral damage) against another Pokémon. And guess what? It works the other way around too! The types also tell you if a Pokémon can easily shrug off an attack (resistant) or if it’s going to take a lot of damage.

There are even some types that are totally protected from certain attacks in the main Pokémon games (called immunity), but Pokémon GO does things a little differently, which we’ll talk about soon!

With a whopping 18 different types in Pokémon GO, it might seem like a lot to learn. Even grown-up Pokémon Masters sometimes need to check a type chart to remember everything! That’s why we’ve made this awesome guide and easy-to-use type chart, just for you! We’ll explain everything about type effectiveness so you can become a Pokémon GO battle superstar. Let’s dive in!

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The Awesome Pokémon GO Type Chart: Your Cheat Sheet to Victory!

Imagine you have a super handy chart that tells you exactly what Pokémon types are strong against each other. That’s what a Pokémon GO type chart is! It’s like a secret map that shows you the best way to win battles.

Think of it like this: Imagine you’re building a team for a sports game. You need to know who’s good at attacking, who’s good at defending, and who is strong against which team! The Pokémon type chart does the same thing for Pokémon battles. It shows you which types are strong when attacking and which types are weak when they are being attacked.

Here’s a simple version of the Pokémon GO type chart to get you started. Remember, this chart is about the attack type, not the Pokémon’s type itself. If your Pokémon’s type matches the attack type, it gets a little extra power boost, called STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus). But don’t worry too much about STAB for now – the most important thing is understanding type matchups!

Pokémon GO Type Chart

TypeStrong AgainstWeak AgainstResistant ToVulnerable To
NormalRock, Steel, FightingGhostFighting
FightingNormal, Rock, Steel, Ice, DarkFlying, Poison, Psychic, Bug, Ghost, FairyRock, Bug, DarkFlying, Psychic, Fairy
FlyingFighting, Bug, GrassRock, Steel, ElectricFighting, Ground, Bug, GrassRock, Electric, Ice
PoisonGrass, FairyPoison, Ground, Rock, Ghost, SteelFighting, Poison, Grass , FairyGround, Psychic
GroundPoison, Rock, Steel, Fire, ElectricFlying, Bug, GrassPoison, Rock, ElectricWater, Grass, Ice
Rock 🪨Flying, Bug, Fire, IceFighting, Ground, SteelNormal, Flying, Poison, FireFighting, Ground, Steel, Water, Grass
BugGrass, Psychic , DarkFighting, Flying, Poison, Ghost , Steel, Fire, FairyFighting, Ground, GrassFlying, Rock, Fire
GhostGhost, PsychicNormal, Dark, GhostNormal, Fighting, Poison, BugGhost, Dark
SteelRock, Ice, FairySteel, Fire, Water, ElectricNormal, Flying, Poison, Rock, Bug, Steel, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, FairyFighting, Ground, Fire
FireBug, Steel, Grass, IceRock, Fire, Water, DragonBug, Fire, Grass, Steel, Ice, FairyGround, Rock, Water
WaterGround, Rock, Fire, ElectricWater, Grass, DragonSteel, Fire, Water, IceGrass, Electric
GrassGround, Rock, WaterFlying, Poison, Bug, Steel, Fire, Grass, DragonGround, Water, Grass, ElectricFlying, Poison, Bug, Fire, Ice
ElectricFlying, WaterGround, Grass, Electric, DragonFlying, Steel, ElectricGround
PsychicFighting, PoisonSteel, Psychic, DarkFighting, PsychicBug, Ghost, Dark
IceFlying, Ground, Gras, DragonSteel , Fire, Water, IceIceFighting, Rock, Steel, Fire
DragonDragonSteel , FairyFire, Water, Grass, ElectricIce, Dragon, Fairy
DarkGhost, PsychicFighting, Dark, FairyGhost, Psychic, DarkFighting, Bug, Fairy
FairyFighting, Dragon, DarkPoison, Steel, FireFighting, Bug, Dragon, DarkPoison, Steel


  • Strong Against: When you use an attack of this type, it will do extra damage to Pokémon of these types.
  • Weak Against: Pokémon of this type will take extra damage from attacks of these types.
  • Resistant To: Pokémon of this type won’t take much damage from attacks of these types.
  • Vulnerable To: Pokémon of this type will take a lot of damage from attacks of these types.

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Strong vs. Weak: How Pokémon Types Battle Each Other

Okay, let’s break down what “strong against” and “weak against” really mean. Imagine you have a Fire-type Pokémon like Charizard, and you’re battling against a Grass-type Pokémon like Venusaur.

  • Fire is STRONG against Grass: This means if Charizard uses a Fire-type move, like Ember or Flamethrower, it will do extra damage to Venusaur. Think of it like Fire melts away plants super easily! We call this super effective damage. It’s like hitting a home run in baseball – it’s a really good hit!
  • Grass is WEAK against Fire: This means if Venusaur gets hit by a Fire-type attack, it will take extra damage. Poor Venusaur! This is why you want to use Fire-type attacks against Grass-type Pokémon.

Now, let’s flip it around. What if Charizard is battling a Water-type Pokémon like Blastoise?

  • Fire is WEAK against Water: If Charizard uses a Fire-type move against Blastoise, it won’t do as much damage. Water puts out fire, right? So, Fire attacks are not very effective against Water types. It’s like just tapping the ball in baseball instead of swinging hard.
  • Water is STRONG against Fire: If Blastoise uses a Water-type move like Water Gun or Hydro Pump on Charizard, it will do extra damage. Water beats Fire! Super effective again!

So, when you’re battling, you want to use attacks that are strong against your opponent’s Pokémon type, and you want to watch out for attacks that your Pokémon is weak against. It’s all about using the right type of move at the right time!

Let’s try another example. Imagine you have a Pikachu, an Electric-type Pokémon, and you’re fighting a Flying-type Pokémon like Pidgey.

  • Electric is STRONG against Flying: Pikachu’s Electric attacks like Thunderbolt will be super effective against Pidgey because Electric zaps birds out of the sky! (Just kidding, Pokémon are tougher than that, but you get the idea!)
  • Flying is WEAK against Electric: Pidgey will take extra damage from Electric attacks.

Now what if Pikachu is battling a Ground-type Pokémon like Diglett?

  • Electric is WEAK against Ground: Uh oh! Ground is like dirt, and dirt stops electricity, right? So, Electric attacks are not very effective against Ground-type Pokémon. In fact, in the main Pokémon games, Ground-types are even immune to Electric attacks (meaning they take NO damage!). But Pokémon GO does it a little differently… keep reading to find out!
  • Ground is WEAK against Water, Grass, and Ice: Just so you know, Ground types have their own weaknesses too!

Understanding these strong and weak matchups is the key to becoming a Pokémon GO master! It’s like learning the secrets of Rock, Paper, Scissors but with way more awesome types and Pokémon!

Resistance and Vulnerability: Even More Type Secrets!

Besides being strong or weak against each other, Pokémon types can also be resistant or vulnerable to attacks. Let’s think about what this means.

  • Resistance: When a Pokémon is resistant to a certain type of attack, it means they don’t take as much damage from those attacks. It’s like having a shield! Imagine you have a Steel-type Pokémon like Steelix. Steel is super tough! Steel-type Pokémon are resistant to lots of types, like Normal, Flying, Rock, Bug, Steel, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, and Fairy! Wow, that’s a lot! So, if someone attacks Steelix with a Normal-type move, it won’t hurt Steelix very much. It’s like the attack just bounces off! We call this not very effective damage again, just like when an attack is weak against a type.
  • Vulnerability: When a Pokémon is vulnerable to a certain type of attack, it means they take extra damage from those attacks. It’s like having a weak spot! Let’s use Steelix again. Even though Steel is tough, Steel-type Pokémon are vulnerable to Fighting, Ground, and Fire-type attacks. So, if someone attacks Steelix with a Fire-type move, it will take a lot of damage! This is super effective damage, just like when an attack is strong against a type.

So, resistance and vulnerability are kind of like the flip sides of strong and weak.

  • Strong against = Your attack does extra damage to them.
  • Weak against = Their attack does extra damage to you (you are vulnerable).
  • Resistant to = Their attack doesn’t do much damage to you.
  • Vulnerable to = Your Pokémon takes extra damage from those types (you are weak against them).

It can be a little confusing at first, but the type chart is there to help you remember everything! The more you battle and use the chart, the easier it will become.

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No Immunity Here! How Pokémon GO is a Little Different

Remember we mentioned immunity? In the main Pokémon games, some types are completely immune to certain attacks, meaning they take absolutely NO damage! For example, in the regular games, Electric-type attacks have no effect at all on Ground-type Pokémon – zero damage! That’s immunity.

But guess what? Pokémon GO doesn’t have true immunity! Instead of being completely immune, Pokémon in Pokémon GO that would be immune in the main games are just super, super resistant.

Let’s look at some examples:

  • Ground and Electric: In the main games, Ground-types are immune to Electric attacks. In Pokémon GO, Ground-types are still really good against Electric, but they aren’t completely immune. They take a tiny bit of damage – way less than normal, but not zero.
  • Flying and Ground: In the main games, Flying-types are immune to Ground attacks. In Pokémon GO, Flying-types are just super resistant to Ground.
  • Ghost and Normal/Fighting: In the main games, Ghost-types are immune to Normal and Fighting attacks, and Normal-types are immune to Ghost attacks. In Pokémon GO, Ghosts are just super resistant to Normal and Fighting, and Normal is just super resistant to Ghost.
  • Steel and Poison: In the main games, Steel-types are immune to Poison attacks. In Pokémon GO, Steel-types are just super resistant to Poison.
  • Dark and Psychic: In the main games, Dark-types are immune to Psychic attacks. In Pokémon GO, Dark-types are just super resistant to Psychic.
  • Fairy and Dragon: In the main games, Fairy-types are immune to Dragon attacks. In Pokémon GO, Fairy-types are just super resistant to Dragon.

So, in Pokémon GO, there are no Pokémon that are 100% safe from any type of attack because of their type. But these super resistances are still really powerful! It’s good to know the difference between Pokémon GO and the main series games.

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Damage Multipliers: Making Battles Extra Exciting (and a Little Math-y!)

Okay, let’s talk a little bit about how much extra or less damage types actually do in Pokémon GO. This is where we get into damage multipliers. Don’t worry, it’s not too hard.

Imagine a normal attack does 10 damage.

  • Super Effective!: If your attack is super effective (strong against their type), it does 1.6 times the damage. So, instead of 10 damage, it does 10 x 1.6 = 16 damage. That’s a good boost!
  • Not Very Effective!: If your attack is not very effective (weak against or resistant to their type), it does 0.625 times the damage. So, instead of 10 damage, it does 10 x 0.625 = 6.25 damage. That’s much less damage!
  • Neutral Damage: If the types are just neutral – neither strong nor weak – it does 1.0 times the damage. So, 10 x 1.0 = 10 damage. Normal damage, just as expected.
  • Super Resistance (Instead of Immunity): For those type matchups that would be immunities in the main games, Pokémon GO uses a super resistance multiplier of 0.39 times the damage. So, instead of 10 damage, it does 10 x 0.39 = just 3.9 damage! That’s barely any damage at all! It’s almost like immunity, but not quite.
  • Doubly Effective!: Now for something extra cool – doubly effective! This happens when a Pokémon has two types, and your attack is super effective against both of them! For example, imagine you’re fighting an Alolan Sandslash. It’s both Ice-type and Steel-type. Fire-type attacks are super effective against both Ice and Steel. So, a Fire-type attack against Alolan Sandslash will be doubly effective and do 2.56 times the damage! Wow! That’s a huge hit! So, 10 damage becomes 10 x 2.56 = 25.6 damage!

Important note: The main Pokémon games have slightly different multipliers. In the main games, super effective is 2x damage, doubly effective is 4x damage, and not very effective is 0.5x damage. Pokémon GO uses slightly different numbers to make battles balanced for mobile play.

Example Time!

Let’s say you have a Charmeleon with a Fire-type attack that normally does 100 damage (if type matchups didn’t matter).

  • Against another Charmeleon (Fire-type): Fire vs. Fire is neutral. So, it does 100 damage (1.0x multiplier).
  • Against Venusaur (Grass/Poison): Fire is super effective against Grass, but not very effective against Poison. We only look at the strongest effect! So, it’s super effective (1.6x multiplier). It does 100 x 1.6 = 160 damage.
  • Against Blastoise (Water-type): Fire is not very effective against Water (0.625x multiplier). It does 100 x 0.625 = 62.5 damage.
  • Against Alolan Sandslash (Ice/Steel): Fire is super effective against both Ice and Steel (doubly effective, 2.56x multiplier). It does 100 x 2.56 = 256 damage! Ouch!

See how important type effectiveness is? Choosing the right type of attack can make a huge difference in how much damage you do! It’s definitely worth learning those type matchups to become a Pokémon GO battle champion!

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Let’s Explore All 18 Pokémon Types!

Now that you know all about type effectiveness, resistances, and vulnerabilities, let’s go through each of the 18 Pokémon types one by one! We’ll talk about what each type is strong and weak against, and we’ll even mention some of the best Pokémon of each type in Pokémon GO. Get ready to become a type expert!

Normal Type: The Everyday Pokémon

Normal-type Pokémon are kind of like the “plain” type. They aren’t super strong against any other types, but they aren’t weak to many either (except Fighting!). They are good all-around Pokémon.

  • Normal-type attacks are strong against: Nothing special! They do normal damage to most types.
  • Normal-type Pokémon are weak to: Fighting-type attacks. Ouch, those punches hurt!
  • Normal-type Pokémon are resistant to: Ghost-type attacks – Ghosts can’t really hurt normal things! (Actually, in Pokémon GO, they are just super resistant, not fully immune like in the main games.)
  • Normal-type Pokémon are vulnerable to: Fighting-type attacks.

Best Normal-type Attackers in Pokémon GO:

  • Best Mega: Mega Lopunny (Mega Pokémon are extra powerful!)
  • Top Attackers: Regigigas, Meloetta, Porygon-Z. These Pokémon hit hard with Normal-type moves!
  • Good Counters (to use against Normal-types): Terrakion, Keldeo, Machamp, Lucario. Use these Fighting-type Pokémon to beat up Normal-types!
  • Best Fast Moves (Normal-type): Hidden Power, Lock-On, Pound. Quick attacks to start the battle!
  • Best Charged Moves (Normal-type): Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Stomp. Big, powerful Normal-type moves!

Fighting Type 🥊: Get Ready to Rumble!

Fighting-type Pokémon are all about muscles and strength! They love to punch, kick, and wrestle. Think of them as the superheroes of the Pokémon world who are always ready for a fight.

  • Fighting-type attacks are strong against: Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, and Dark Pokémon. They are super effective against tough and bulky types! Imagine a karate chop breaking rocks or metal!
  • Fighting-type Pokémon are weak against: Flying, Psychic, and Fairy Pokémon. They have trouble with Pokémon that are fast and floaty, or use mind powers, or sparkly magic. Think birds dodging punches, or mind tricks confusing fighters!
  • Fighting-type Pokémon are resistant to: Rock, Bug, and Dark attacks. They can take hits from rocky, buggy, and shadowy Pokémon pretty well. They are tough!
  • Fighting-type Pokémon are vulnerable to: Flying, Psychic, and Fairy attacks. They take extra damage from these types.

(Mega and Shadow Pokémon Note: You’ll see we mention “Mega” Pokémon sometimes. These are super-powered-up versions of some Pokémon that are extra strong! “Shadow” Pokémon are another special kind that can be very powerful too. But for now, just knowing the regular Pokémon types and strengths is super important. Mega and Shadow Pokémon are like bonus power-ups for later when you really become a Pokémon Master!)

Best Fighting-type Attackers in Pokémon GO:

  • Best Mega: Mega Blaziken (Super strong Mega Fighting-type!)
  • Top Attackers: Terrakion, Keldeo, Lucario. These are some of the strongest Fighting-type Pokémon around!
  • Good Counters (to use against Fighting-types): Mewtwo, Hoopa (Unbound), Lunala. If you are battling against Fighting-type Pokémon, use these Psychic or Fairy types to win! Remember, “counters” are Pokémon that are strong against a specific type.
  • Best Fast Moves (Fighting-type): Counter, Double Kick, Low Kick. Quick Fighting moves to start the fight!
  • Best Charged Moves (Fighting-type): Sacred Sword, Focus Blast, Dynamic Punch. Powerful finishing moves for Fighting Pokémon!

Flying Type 🐦: Soaring to Success!

Flying-type Pokémon are all about the sky! They are fast, graceful, and often use wind and air in their attacks. Think birds, but also dragons and even some floating creatures!

  • Flying-type attacks are strong against: Fighting, Bug, and Grass Pokémon. They are great at swooping down and attacking fighters, bugs crawling on the ground, and grassy Pokémon! Imagine a bird pecking a bug or a gust of wind blowing away grass!
  • Flying-type Pokémon are weak against: Rock, Steel, and Electric Pokémon. They have trouble with solid, heavy things like rocks and metal, and of course, electricity in the air! Think rocks falling on wings or electric shocks in the sky!
  • Flying-type Pokémon are resistant to: Fighting, Ground, Bug, and Grass attacks. They can dodge punches, float above ground attacks, and easily handle bugs and grass. They are light and agile!
  • Flying-type Pokémon are vulnerable to: Rock, Electric, and Ice attacks. They take extra damage from these types. Ice is especially bad because it can freeze their wings!

Best Flying-type Attackers in Pokémon GO:

  • Best Mega: Mega Rayquaza (The ultimate Mega Flying and Dragon-type!)
  • Top Attackers: Rayquaza, Yveltal, Galarian Zapdos. These are some of the fastest and strongest Flying-type attackers!
  • Good Counters (to use against Flying-types): Zekrom, Xurkitree, Therian Thunderus. Use these Electric types to bring Flying Pokémon down to earth!
  • Best Fast Moves (Flying-type): Air Slash, Wing Attack, Gust. Fast wind-based moves to attack quickly!
  • Best Charged Moves (Flying-type): Dragon Ascent, Sky Attack, Brave Bird. Powerful, high-flying attacks!

Poison Type 🧪: A Bit Nasty, But Strong!

Poison-type Pokémon can be a little sneaky and use toxins to win battles. Don’t underestimate them! They can be surprisingly strong and make opponents sick!

  • Poison-type attacks are strong against: Grass and Fairy Pokémon. They are good at making plants wilt and magical fairies feel unwell. Think poison ivy or smelly toxins hurting plants and fairies!
  • Poison-type Pokémon are weak against: Poison, Ground, Rock, Ghost, and Steel Pokémon. Interestingly, Poison types aren’t very effective against other Poison types! They also struggle against ground, rock, ghost and steel. Think of poison seeping into the ground or not working on rocks or ghosts!
  • Poison-type Pokémon are resistant to: Fighting, Poison, Grass, and Fairy attacks. They can handle punches, other poisons, plants, and fairy magic pretty well. They are used to dealing with toxins!
  • Poison-type Pokémon are vulnerable to: Ground and Psychic attacks. They take extra damage from these types. Ground can bury poison, and Psychic powers can mess with their minds!

Best Poison-type Attackers in Pokémon GO:

  • Best Mega: Mega Gengar (A spooky and strong Mega Poison and Ghost-type!)
  • Top Attackers: Nihilego, Gengar, Roserade. These are some of the top Poison attackers in the game!
  • Good Counters (to use against Poison-types): Mewtwo, Hoopa Unbound, Groudon. Use these Psychic or Ground types to counter Poison Pokémon!
  • Best Fast Moves (Poison-type): Poison Jab, Acid. Quick, stinging poison attacks!
  • Best Charged Moves (Poison-type): Sludge Bomb, Gunk Shot, Sludge Wave. Big, messy, and toxic attacks!

Ground Type ⛰️: Down to Earth Power!

Ground-type Pokémon are solid and powerful, often living in caves or underground. They use the earth to their advantage, causing earthquakes and landslides!

  • Ground-type attacks are strong against: Poison, Rock, Steel, Fire, and Electric Pokémon. They are super effective against types that are based on rocks, metal, fire, electricity, and even poison in the ground! Imagine an earthquake crushing rocks and putting out fires!
  • Ground-type Pokémon are weak against: Flying, Bug, and Grass Pokémon. They have trouble with things that fly above the ground, bugs that are often light and quick, and plants that grow on top of the ground. Think of ground attacks not reaching flying Pokémon, or plants growing over the ground.
  • Ground-type Pokémon are resistant to: Poison, Rock, and Electric attacks. They can shrug off poison from the earth, rocky hits, and even electricity since they are grounded!
  • Ground-type Pokémon are vulnerable to: Water, Grass, and Ice attacks. They take extra damage from these types. Water can erode the ground, plants can grow through it, and ice can freeze it solid, making it weak!

Best Ground-type Attackers in Pokémon GO:

  • Best Mega: Primal Groudon (A super powerful ancient Ground-type!)
  • Top Attackers: Groudon, Ursaluna, Therian Landorus. These are some of the mightiest Ground-type Pokémon!
  • Good Counters (to use against Ground-types): Kartana, Kyogre, Zarude. Use these Grass or Water types to soak or plant over Ground Pokémon!
  • Best Fast Moves (Ground-type): Mud Shot, Mud-Slap. Fast, earthy moves that throw mud around!
  • Best Charged Moves (Ground-type): Precipice Blades, Earth Power, High Horsepower. Huge, ground-shaking attacks!

Rock Type 🪨: Solid and Strong!

Rock-type Pokémon are tough and sturdy, made of stone and minerals. They are like walking mountains, able to withstand a lot of hits!

  • Rock-type attacks are strong against: Flying, Bug, Fire, and Ice Pokémon. They are super effective against flying creatures (knocking them out of the sky with rocks!), bugs (crushing them), fire (rocks can withstand fire), and ice (rocks can shatter ice). Imagine throwing rocks at birds or bugs, or rocks blocking fire and ice!
  • Rock-type Pokémon are weak against: Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, and Grass Pokémon. They are vulnerable to types that can break, erode, or grow through rock. Think of fighters punching rocks, ground cracking rocks, steel tools chipping rocks, water wearing down rocks, and plants growing in cracks in rocks.
  • Rock-type Pokémon are resistant to: Normal, Flying, Poison, and Fire attacks. They can block normal hits, flying pecks, poison, and flames pretty well. They are hard and resistant!
  • Rock-type Pokémon are vulnerable to: Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, and Grass attacks. They take extra damage from these types.

Best Rock-type Attackers in Pokémon GO:

  • Best Mega: Mega Diancie (A dazzling and powerful Mega Rock and Fairy-type!)
  • Top Attackers: Rampardos, Rhyperior, Nihilego. These are some of the rockiest and hardest-hitting Pokémon!
  • Good Counters (to use against Rock-types): Terrakion, Keldeo, Kartana. Use these Fighting, Grass or Water types to break down Rock Pokémon!
  • Best Fast Moves (Rock-type): Rock Throw, Smack Down. Throwing and slamming rocks!
  • Best Charged Moves (Rock-type): Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Rock Wrecker. Big, smashing rock attacks!

Bug Type 🐛: Don’t Underestimate These Little Guys!

Bug-type Pokémon might seem small, but they can be surprisingly powerful! They often use quick moves and can team up in swarms. Think insects, spiders, and other creepy-crawlies!

  • Bug-type attacks are strong against: Grass, Psychic, and Dark Pokémon. They are good at munching on plants, confusing mind-power types, and sneaking up on dark types. Imagine bugs eating leaves, or a swarm overwhelming a psychic type!
  • Bug-type Pokémon are weak against: Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ghost, Steel, Fire, and Fairy Pokémon. Wow, bugs have a lot of weaknesses! They struggle against strong fighters, things that fly and can avoid them, poisons, spooky ghosts, tough steel, fire (bugs burn easily!), and magical fairy types. Think birds eating bugs, fire burning bugs, or fairies zapping them with magic!
  • Bug-type Pokémon are resistant to: Fighting, Ground, and Grass attacks. They can sometimes dodge punches, burrow underground to avoid ground attacks, and are used to living in grassy areas.
  • Bug-type Pokémon are vulnerable to: Flying, Rock, and Fire attacks. They take extra damage from these types.

Best Bug-type Attackers in Pokémon GO:

  • Best Mega: Mega Pinsir (A mega-powerful Bug and Flying type!)
  • Top Attackers: Volcarona, Pheromosa, Genesect. These are some of the strongest Bug Pokémon for attacking!
  • Good Counters (to use against Bug-types): Rayquaza, Reshiram, Chandelure. Use these Flying, Fire, or Dragon types to squash Bug Pokémon!
  • Best Fast Moves (Bug-type): Bug Bite, Fury Cutter, Struggle Bug. Quick, nipping and cutting bug moves!
  • Best Charged Moves (Bug-type): X-Scissor, Bug Buzz, Megahorn. Big, powerful bug attacks, like stinging or ramming with a horn!

Ghost Type 👻: Spooky and Special!

Ghost-type Pokémon are mysterious and often live in spooky places. They are known for their tricky moves and ability to be hard to hit! Think spirits, specters, and things that go bump in the night!

  • Ghost-type attacks are strong against: Ghost and Psychic Pokémon. They are super effective against other ghosts and mind-power types! Imagine ghosts scaring each other or spooky powers messing with psychic powers!
  • Ghost-type Pokémon are weak against: Normal, Dark, and Ghost Pokémon. Ghosts don’t affect normal types very much, and they struggle against dark and other ghost types. Think normal things being unaffected by ghosts, or darkness and other ghosts being scary to ghosts!
  • Ghost-type Pokémon are resistant to: Normal, Fighting, Poison, and Bug attacks. Ghosts can float through normal hits, dodge punches, are unaffected by poison, and scare away bugs. They are hard to grab or hurt physically! (Remember in Pokémon GO, it’s super resistance, not full immunity to Normal and Fighting!)
  • Ghost-type Pokémon are vulnerable to: Ghost and Dark attacks. They take extra damage from these types. Ghosts can scare each other, and darkness is spooky to ghosts too!

Best Ghost-type Attackers in Pokémon GO:

  • Best Mega: Mega Gengar (The spookiest and strongest Mega Ghost and Poison type!)
  • Top Attackers: Lunala, Giratina, Chandelure. These are some of the most powerful Ghost attackers!
  • Good Counters (to use against Ghost-types): Tyranitar, Hydreigon, Darkrai. Use these Dark types to fight back against Ghost Pokémon!
  • Best Fast Moves (Ghost-type): Lick, Shadow Claw, Hex. Spooky, quick ghost moves!
  • Best Charged Moves (Ghost-type): Shadow Ball, Shadow Force, Poltergeist. Big, powerful ghost attacks with spooky names!

Steel Type ⚙️: Tough as Metal!

Steel-type Pokémon are incredibly strong and defensive, just like metal itself! They are often used as shields and can take a lot of hits. Think robots, metallic creatures, and Pokémon made of steel!

  • Steel-type attacks are strong against: Rock, Ice, and Fairy Pokémon. They are super effective against rocky types (steel tools break rocks!), ice types (steel is strong in cold!), and fairy types (steel is tough and not magical!). Imagine a steel hammer smashing rocks and ice, or steel armor resisting fairy magic!
  • Steel-type Pokémon are weak against: Steel, Fire, Water, and Electric Pokémon. Steel isn’t super effective against other steel, and it struggles against fire (heat weakens steel), water (steel can rust), and electricity (electricity can damage machines). Think of steel not easily breaking other steel, fire melting steel, water rusting steel, or electricity short-circuiting steel robots!
  • Steel-type Pokémon are resistant to: Normal, Flying, Poison, Rock, Bug, Steel, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, and Fairy attacks. Wow, Steel types are resistant to SO many types! They are incredibly durable and can withstand lots of different attacks! (Remember in Pokémon GO, super resistance to Poison instead of full immunity!)
  • Steel-type Pokémon are vulnerable to: Fighting, Ground, and Fire attacks. Even steel has weaknesses! Strong punches, ground shaking, and fire can all damage steel.

Best Steel-type Attackers in Pokémon GO:

  • Best Mega: Mega Aggron (A gigantic and mega-tough Mega Steel and Rock type!)
  • Top Attackers: Metagross, Melmetal, Jirachi. These are some of the strongest Steel attackers!
  • Good Counters (to use against Steel-types): Reshiram, Terrakion, Keldeo. Use these Fire, Fighting, or Ground types to beat down Steel Pokémon!
  • Best Fast Moves (Steel-type): Bullet Punch, Metal Claw, Iron Tail. Quick, metallic punches, claws, and tails!
  • Best Charged Moves (Steel-type): Meteor Mash, Iron Head, Heavy Slam. Powerful, heavy steel attacks!

Fire Type 🔥: Hot and Powerful!

Fire-type Pokémon are all about heat and flames! They are energetic and powerful, able to burn and melt their opponents. Think flames, lava, and creatures that breathe fire!

  • Fire-type attacks are strong against: Bug, Steel, Grass, and Ice Pokémon. Fire burns bugs, melts steel, burns grass, and melts ice. Imagine flames scorching bugs, melting steel, setting grass ablaze, and vaporizing ice!
  • Fire-type Pokémon are weak against: Rock, Fire, Water, and Dragon Pokémon. Fire is not very effective against rock, other fire types, water (water puts out fire!), and dragon types. Think rocks resisting fire, water extinguishing fire, and dragons sometimes being fire-resistant!
  • Fire-type Pokémon are resistant to: Bug, Fire, Grass, Steel, Ice, and Fairy attacks. Fire types are used to heat and flames, so they resist bug attacks (burning them), other fire attacks, grass fires, steel heat, ice melting from fire, and even some fairy magic!
  • Fire-type Pokémon are vulnerable to: Ground, Rock, and Water attacks. They take extra damage from these types. Ground can smother fire, rocks can block fire, and water puts out fire completely!

Best Fire-type Attackers in Pokémon GO:

  • Best Mega: Mega Blaziken (Another super-strong Mega Fire and Fighting type!)
  • Top Attackers: Reshiram, Heatran, Volcarona. These are some of the hottest Fire attackers!
  • Good Counters (to use against Fire-types): Kyogre, Groudon, Rampardos. Use these Water, Ground, or Rock types to cool down Fire Pokémon!
  • Best Fast Moves (Fire-type): Fire Spin, Fire Fang, Incinerate. Fast, fiery moves to start the heat!
  • Best Charged Moves (Fire-type): Blast Burn, Fire Blast, Fusion Flare. Big, explosive fire attacks!

Water Type 💧: Go with the Flow!

Water-type Pokémon are adaptable and can be found in oceans, rivers, and lakes. They are often calm and collected, but can unleash powerful waves and water blasts! Think fish, sea creatures, and Pokémon that control water!

  • Water-type attacks are strong against: Ground, Rock, and Fire Pokémon. Water erodes ground, washes away rocks, and puts out fire. Imagine waves washing away earth, rivers smoothing rocks, and water extinguishing flames!
  • Water-type Pokémon are weak against: Water, Grass, and Dragon 🐉 Pokémon. Water isn’t super effective against other water types, and it struggles against grass (plants absorb water) and dragon types. Think water not being very effective on other water, plants soaking up water, and dragons sometimes controlling water too!
  • Water-type Pokémon are resistant to: Steel, Fire, Water, and Ice attacks. Water types can resist steel rusting in water (sort of!), put out fire, withstand other water attacks, and are used to cold water temperatures.
  • Water-type Pokémon are vulnerable to: Grass and Electric attacks. They take extra damage from these types. Plants absorb water, and electricity and water definitely don’t mix!

Best Water-type Attackers in Pokémon GO:

  • Best Mega: Primal Kyogre (A powerful ancient Water type that controls the oceans!)
  • Top Attackers: Kyogre, Palkia, Greninja. These are some of the strongest Water attackers!
  • Good Counters (to use against Water-types): Kartana, Xurkitree, Zekrom. Use these Grass or Electric types to dry out or electrify Water Pokémon!
  • Best Fast Moves (Water-type): Waterfall, Water Gun, Bubble. Fast, splashing water moves!
  • Best Charged Moves (Water-type): Origin Pulse, Hydro Cannon, Hydro Pump. Big, powerful water blasts and waves!

Grass Type 🌿: Growing Strong!

Grass-type Pokémon are all about plants and nature. They can heal, grow quickly, and use leaves, vines, and seeds in battle. Think plants, trees, flowers, and creatures made of leaves!

  • Grass-type attacks are strong against: Ground, Rock, and Water Pokémon. Plants grow in ground, can crack rocks with roots, and absorb water. Imagine vines wrapping around rocks and earth, or plants soaking up water!
  • Grass-type Pokémon are weak against: Flying, Poison, Bug, Steel, Fire, Grass, and Dragon Pokémon. Grass has many weaknesses! They struggle against flying types (birds eat plants), poisons (chemicals hurt plants), bugs (bugs eat plants!), steel tools cutting plants, fire (fire burns plants!), other grass types (competition for resources?), and dragon types (dragons might just be powerful against plants!). Think birds pecking plants, poison killing plants, bugs eating plants, fire burning plants!
  • Grass-type Pokémon are resistant to: Ground, Water, Grass, and Electric attacks. Plants grow in ground, need water, are other plants themselves, and sometimes can even use electricity from storms!
  • Grass-type Pokémon are vulnerable to: Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, and Ice attacks. They take extra damage from these types. Birds eat plants, poison kills plants, bugs eat plants, fire burns plants, and ice freezes plants!

Best Grass-type Attackers in Pokémon GO:

  • Best Mega: Mega Sceptile (A super speedy and strong Mega Grass and Dragon type!)
  • Top Attackers: Kartana, Zarude, Sky Shaymin. These are some of the best Grass attackers!
  • Good Counters (to use against Grass-types): Rayquaza, Reshiram, Yveltal. Use these Flying, Fire, or Poison types to trim back Grass Pokémon!
  • Best Fast Moves (Grass-type): Bullet Seed, Razor Leaf, Vine Whip. Fast, plant-based moves like seeds, leaves, and vines!
  • Best Charged Moves (Grass-type): Frenzy Plant, Leaf Blade, Power Whip. Big, powerful plant attacks!

Electric Type ⚡: Shockingly Good!

Electric-type Pokémon are full of energy! They can generate and control electricity, shocking their opponents with lightning bolts and sparks. Think electricity, lightning, and creatures that are charged up!

  • Electric-type attacks are strong against: Flying and Water Pokémon. Electricity zaps birds out of the sky and conducts very well in water! Imagine lightning striking birds in the air and shocking water creatures!
  • Electric-type Pokémon are weak against: Ground, Grass, Electric, and Dragon Pokémon. Electric attacks are not very effective against ground (ground blocks electricity), grass (plants sometimes absorb electricity), other electric types (electricity clashing?), and dragon types. Think ground stopping electricity, grass absorbing electricity, or dragons being resistant to electric power!
  • Electric-type Pokémon are resistant to: Flying, Steel, and Electric attacks. Electric types can withstand air currents, steel conducts electricity safely, and they are used to electricity themselves!
  • Electric-type Pokémon are vulnerable to: Ground attacks. They take extra damage from this type. Ground is the biggest weakness of electricity, blocking it completely!

Best Electric-type Attackers in Pokémon GO:

  • Best Mega: Mega Manectric (A super charged and fast Mega Electric type!)
  • Top Attackers: Xurkitree, Zekrom, Therian Thunderus. These are some of the most electrifying attackers!
  • Good Counters (to use against Electric-types): Groudon, Excadrill, Garchomp. Use these Ground types to ground Electric Pokémon!
  • Best Fast Moves (Electric-type): Thunder Shock, Charge Beam, Thunder Fang. Fast, zappy electric moves to start the charge!
  • Best Charged Moves (Electric-type): Wild Charge, Discharge, Fusion Bolt. Big, powerful electric shocks!

Psychic Type 🔮: Mind Over Matter!

Psychic-type Pokémon are all about mind power! They can read minds, move things with their thoughts, and use mental energy in battle. Think mind reading, telekinesis, and Pokémon with strong mental abilities!

  • Psychic-type attacks are strong against: Fighting and Poison 🧪 Pokémon. Psychic powers can confuse fighters and disrupt poisons in the body. Imagine mind tricks confusing fighters and psychic energy neutralizing poison!
  • Psychic-type Pokémon are weak against: Steel, Psychic, and Dark 🌑 Pokémon. Psychic attacks aren’t very effective against steel (metal blocks mind power?), other psychic types (mind battles are complicated!), and dark types (darkness resists mind power). Think steel blocking psychic energy, mind battles being ineffective, or darkness resisting mental influence!
  • Psychic-type Pokémon are resistant to: Fighting 🥊 and Psychic 🔮 attacks. Psychic types can anticipate and resist punches and other mental attacks from psychic types. They are mentally strong!
  • Psychic-type Pokémon are vulnerable to: Bug 🐛, Ghost 👻, and Dark 🌑 attacks. They take extra damage from these types. Bugs can be creepy and disturbing to the mind, ghosts are scary, and darkness is the opposite of light and mind power. Think bugs being unsettling, ghosts being frightening, and darkness clouding the mind!

Best Psychic-type Attackers in Pokémon GO:

  • Best Mega: Mega Alakazam (An incredibly intelligent and Mega Psychic type!)
  • Top Attackers: Mewtwo, Hoopa Unbound, Lunala. These are some of the most powerful Psychic attackers!
  • Good Counters (to use against Psychic-types): Hydreigon, Tyranitar, Giratina Origin. Use these Dark or Ghost types to spook or out-dark Psychic Pokémon!
  • Best Fast Moves (Psychic-type): Psycho Cut, Confusion, Zen Headbutt. Fast, mental energy moves to start thinking fast!
  • Best Charged Moves (Psychic-type): Psystrike, Psychic, Future Sight. Big, powerful mind blasts!

Ice Type 🧊: Cool and Chilly!

Ice-type Pokémon are cold and often live in snowy or icy places. They can freeze opponents solid and use ice and snow in their attacks. Think ice, snow, glaciers, and creatures that live in the cold!

  • Ice-type attacks are strong against: Flying 🐦, Ground ⛰️, Grass 🌿, and Dragon 🐉 Pokémon. Ice freezes birds’ wings, freezes ground solid, freezes plants, and freezes dragons. Imagine ice storms hitting birds, freezing the earth, frosting plants, and icing up dragons!
  • Ice-type Pokémon are weak against: Steel ⚙️, Fire 🔥, Water 💧, and Ice 🧊 Pokémon. Ice is not very effective against steel (steel is strong in cold), fire (fire melts ice!), water (water melts ice, and water types are often used to cold water), and other ice types (ice battles are complex!). Think steel being cold-resistant, fire melting ice, water melting ice, and ice not easily breaking other ice.
  • Ice-type Pokémon are resistant to: Ice 🧊 attacks. Ice types are used to cold, so they resist ice attacks.
  • Ice-type Pokémon are vulnerable to: Fighting 🥊, Rock 🪨, Steel ⚙️, and Fire 🔥 attacks. They take extra damage from these types. Punches can shatter ice, rocks can break ice, steel tools can chip ice, and fire melts ice completely!

Best Ice-type Attackers in Pokémon GO:

  • Best Mega: Mega Glalie (A big and powerful Mega Ice type ball!)
  • Top Attackers: Kyurem, Baxcalibur, Galarian Darmanitan. These are some of the coolest Ice attackers!
  • Good Counters (to use against Ice-types): Reshiram, Terrakion, Keldeo. Use these Fire, Fighting, or Rock types to melt or shatter Ice Pokémon!
  • Best Fast Moves (Ice-type): Powder Snow, Ice Shard, Ice Fang. Fast, chilly ice moves to start freezing!
  • Best Charged Moves (Ice-type): Glaciate, Avalanche, Weather Ball. Big, icy snowstorms and avalanches!

Dragon Type 🐉: Mighty and Magical!

Dragon-type Pokémon are powerful and often legendary! They can breathe fire, fly, and use magical dragon energy in battle. Think dragons, mythical creatures, and Pokémon with awesome dragon powers!

  • Dragon-type attacks are strong against: Dragon 🐉 Pokémon. Dragon power is super effective against other dragons! Imagine dragon breath battles between dragons!
  • Dragon-type Pokémon are weak against: Steel ⚙️, Fairy ✨, and Dragon 🐉 Pokémon. Dragon attacks are not very effective against steel (steel is tough and resists dragon energy?), fairy types (fairies are magically resistant to dragons?), and other dragon types. Think steel resisting dragon power, fairies using magic against dragons, and dragon battles being complex!
  • Dragon-type Pokémon are resistant to: Fire, Water, Grass, and Electric attacks. Dragons are often depicted as being resistant to elements like fire, water, plants, and even electricity!
  • Dragon-type Pokémon are vulnerable to: Ice, Dragon, and Fairy attacks. They take extra damage from these types. Ice can freeze dragons, other dragons are strong against dragons, and fairy magic is especially effective against dragons! Think ice freezing dragons, dragon vs. dragon battles, and fairy magic harming dragons!

Best Dragon-type Attackers in Pokémon GO:

  • Best Mega: Mega Rayquaza (The ultimate Mega Dragon and Flying type, incredibly powerful!)
  • Top Attackers: Rayquaza, Palkia, Zekrom. These are some of the mightiest Dragon attackers!
  • Good Counters (to use against Dragon-types): Dialga, Rayquaza, Salamence. Use other powerful Dragon types or Steel or Fairy types to fight back against Dragon Pokémon!
  • Best Fast Moves (Dragon-type): Dragon Tail, Dragon Breath. Fast, dragon-power moves to start the dragon fire!
  • Best Charged Moves (Dragon-type): Outrage, Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw. Big, powerful dragon roars, meteors, and claws!

Dark Type 🌑: Mysterious and Strong!

Dark-type Pokémon are often mysterious and sneaky. They use trickery and darkness in battle and are known for their cunning. Think shadows, darkness, and Pokémon that are a bit mysterious!

  • Dark-type attacks are strong against: Ghost and Psychic Pokémon. Darkness is scary to ghosts and can cloud psychic minds. Imagine shadows scaring ghosts and darkness disrupting psychic powers!
  • Dark-type Pokémon are weak against: Fighting, Dark, and Fairy Pokémon. Dark types struggle against strong fighters, other dark types (darkness vs darkness is complicated!), and fairy types (fairies are pure and resist darkness?). Think punches breaking through shadows, darkness not being super effective against other darkness, and fairies using light against darkness.
  • Dark-type Pokémon are resistant to: Ghost, Psychic, and Dark attacks. Dark types are used to shadows and darkness, so they resist ghosts, psychic powers, and other dark attacks.
  • Dark-type Pokémon are vulnerable to: Fighting, Bug, and Fairy attacks. They take extra damage from these types. Punches can break through shadows, bugs can be creepy and unsettling even in darkness, and fairies use light magic which is opposite to darkness.

Best Dark-type Attackers in Pokémon GO:

  • Best Mega: Mega Tyranitar (A huge and mega-powerful Mega Dark and Rock type!)
  • Top Attackers: Tyranitar, Hydreigon, Hoopa Unbound. These are some of the strongest Dark attackers
  • Good Counters (to use against Dark-types): Terrakion, Keldeo, Lucario. Use these Fighting, Bug or Fairy types to bring light against Dark Pokémon.
  • Best Fast Moves (Dark-type): Bite, Snarl, Sucker Punch. Fast, sneaky and biting dark moves.
  • Best Charged Moves (Dark-type): Brutal Swing, Foul Play, Crunch. Big, powerful dark attacks with brutal and sneaky names.

Fairy Type ✨: Sparkly and Strong-Willed!

Fairy-type Pokémon are magical and often cute! They use sparkly magic and are known for their strong will and resistance to dragons. Think fairies, magic, and creatures that sparkle and shine!

  • Fairy-type attacks are strong against: Fighting, Dragon, and Dark Pokémon. Fairy magic is super effective against strong fighters, dragons (fairy tales often have fairies defeating dragons!), and darkness. Imagine fairy dust weakening fighters, fairy magic enchanting dragons, and fairy light banishing darkness!
  • Fairy-type Pokémon are weak against: Poison, Steel, and Fire Pokémon. Fairy magic is vulnerable to poison (pollution harms nature?), steel (metal and machines are not magical?), and fire (heat melts magic?). Think poison harming nature and fairies, steel and machinery being anti-magic, and fire melting fairy magic!
  • Fairy-type Pokémon are resistant to: Fighting, Bug, Dragon, and Dark attacks. Fairy types are magically resistant to punches, bugs, dragon power, and darkness. (Remember super resistance to Dragon in Pokémon GO instead of full immunity!)
  • Fairy-type Pokémon are vulnerable to: Poison and Steel attacks. They take extra damage from these types. Poison and steel are especially harmful to fairy magic.

Best Fairy-type Attackers in Pokémon GO:

  • Best Mega: Mega Gardevoir (A beautiful and mega-powerful Mega Fairy and Psychic type!)
  • Top Attackers: Hero Zacian, Xerneas, Tapu Koko. These are some of the best Fairy attackers.
  • Good Counters (to use against Fairy-types): Metagross, Nihilego, Dialga. Use these Steel, Poison or Steel/Dragon types to resist and fight back against Fairy Pokémon.
  • Best Fast Moves (Fairy-type): Charm, Geomancy, Fairy Wind. Fast, enchanting and magical fairy moves.
  • Best Charged Moves (Fairy-type): Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Play Rough. Big, sparkly and powerful fairy magic attacks.

Wow, you made it through all 18 Pokémon types! That’s amazing! You’re now well on your way to becoming a Pokémon GO type master. Remember, it might seem like a lot to learn at first, but the more you battle, the more it will all make sense.


Keep using the type chart, try out different Pokémon teams, and have fun experimenting with different attack types. Knowing your types is a superpower in Pokémon GO. It’s the secret weapon that will help you win more battles, defeat tough Raid Bosses, and become the best Pokémon Trainer you can be! So, go out there, battle hard, and remember – type matchups matter! Good luck, Trainer.

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